Quietly.: Write A Description of The School You Attend To

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Numele i prenumele
Data susinerii testului

Anul colar 2011-2012

Limba englez
Clasa a VIII- a L1

Partea 1

(60 points)

I.Complete the sentences with the words.

closed spaces
1.I won`t go in an aeroplane .I`m afraid of.............
2.I never go in lifts .I hate........................
3.I haven`t been in a swimming pool for years .I`m frightened of.............
4.I can`t climb trees .I`m scared of.............................
5.I don`t like ............................I`m always afraid they`re going to bite me, I hate it when they
II Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1.He was watching (watch) a film on TV when I arrived.
2 I ________ (already / finish) cooking when Gill offered to help.
3 I usually ________( get up) at 7 o`clock.
4.Mike _______(live) in France , but now he lives in London.
5.Sarah _______(cook) lunch at the moment.
6.They ________(watch) TV when we arrived.
7_________you ever__________( see) a crocodile?
8.I_________(see) David last week.
9.I was thinking about him when he ________ (ring) me!
10.I_________( play ) the piano two hours ago.
III.Underline the correct verb.
Examples : He`s a famous actor.He earns /wins a lot of money
1.I hate waiting/hoping for buses in the rain.
2.Yesterday I met/knew my aunt from America for the first time
3.I`ve made /done a lovely cake for my son`s birthday.
4.Are you going to wear /carry your new dress tomorow
5I never borrow / lend people money
IV.Circle the correct alternative in each sentence.
This house is very quiet / quietly.
1. I always eat my food very quick / quickly.
2. He isnt a very careful / carefully driver.
3. You speak English very well / good.
4. Could you speak more slow / slowly, please?
5. I thought that test was very easy / easily.
( 30 points)
Write a description of the school you attend to.
Include the following information

A brief introduction: size, location,your age when you went there, number of pupils in

class,homework, uniform, teachers,friends , subjects. Your general opinion.


Anul colar 2011-2012
Limba englez
Clasa a VIII- a L1


Se puncteaz oricare alte formulri/ modaliti de rezolvare corect a cerinelor.

Nu se acord punctaje intermediare, altele dect cele precizate explicit prin barem. Nu se
acord fraciuni de punct.
Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota final se calculeaz prin mprirea punctajului total
acordat pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

I. 5 x 2p=10 points
1.flying; 2.closed spaces; 3.water; 4.heights; 5.dogs;
II. 10 x 2p= 20 points (1 point for each verb placed in the correct gap +
1 point for each correct form of the verb)
1was watching; 2.had finished; 3 .get up; 4. lived 5.is cooking; 6.were watching; 7.have you
ever; 8.saw; 9.rang; 10. played.
III. 5 x 4p= 20 points
IV. 5 x 2p= 10 points
a.quickly; b.careful; c.well; d. slowly. easy;
PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)
E. 4 points for appropriately beginning and ending of the description
6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content, conclusion)
2 points for the general impression


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