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Citizen Science Lesson Plan

Bird Feeder Project

Grade Level: Elementary science
Objective: Our class will participate in Project Feeder Watch as a citizen science
lesson. Students will be able to identify different types of birds in their community
and characteristics about these birds.
Materials: -Recyclable materials that students can find around their house that they
think could be used to make a birdhouse
-Bird feed
-Materials to put the houses together (tape and glue)
Procedure: -Students will be introduced to Project Bird Feeder Watch. We will talk
about the purpose and why it is important to know about the species of animals
around you.
-I will then tell them to bring in any materials that they think could be used to make
a birdfeeder and send a note home for parents to make them aware of the
assignment so they can help.
-The next day we will start with a PowerPoint showing common birds found in the
area so students know some birds to look out for when observing the feeder.
-We will build our feeders and set them up outside with bird feed in them.
-For the next couple days, we will observe our feeders for about 20 minutes.
Students must write down a description (or if they know the name, the name of the
bird) that they see.
-After all students have multiple observations written, we will come together and
have a class discussion to discuss our observations.
-We will make a list of all of the birds students saw and see which were the most
common and which were the most rare.
-We will then search information about these birds to learn about some of their
-Students will then discuss in groups and share their answers with the class about
why they think it is important to observe their surroundings and be aware of the
types of animal species that live around them.

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