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Local Resources Lesson

Animals and Their Habitats

Grade Level: Elementary science
Objective: Now that we have discussed habitats in general and talked about our
own habitat, we are now going to apply what we know to other things. We will be
observing animals at the Potter Park Zoo and applying our own background
knowledge on the animal to determine what their habitat is like.
Materials: -Notebook
Procedure: -Students will be taking a field trip to the Potter Park Zoo.
-When we get to the zoo, students will be partnered up.
-We will walk through the zoo as a group and each set of partners is responsible for
finding 5 different animals and writing a description of that animal that might give
us clues about its habitat.
-When we come back, we will discuss our observations of the different animals.
-The teacher will make a chart and each set of partners will describe to us one type
of animal they observed and what they wrote for clues about its habitat.
-Students will be able to see all of their classmates observations and be able to
distinguish different ways to tell about an animals habitat and what different
characteristics of a habitat are.

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