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Running Head: Ontological Argument

Community Problem Report: Ontological Argument

Carina Perea
University of Texas at El Paso

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Ontological Argument
The ontological argument has been a topic to talk about for decades. The question of
whether or not something exists is due to pure curiosity of the human race. Over the years this
argument has evolved to become a major community problem. Why do people argue so much
about it? It molds most of us, it helps many of us grow, it decides our life course and it even
defines each of us as a unique individual (Philly). Religion. Scoring high as one of the most
controversial topics to date, (Philly) is a huge part of the ontological argument and the reason
why it has become a controversial community problem.
What is the Ontological Argument?
For many years the Ontological argument has been something that has been the basis of
many community issues. These issues begin as religion and atheism. The ontological argument is
an argument based on the philosophy of religion and the question of whether or not God exists.
This argument begins as an argument that divides existence and explains the existence in
the mind and in reality. For example a unicorn is exciting in the mind, meanwhile an
undiscovered planet is existence in reality. The difference is whether someone is aware of what
exists and what doesnt. This is the same idea with the existence of God, he is both exciting in
the mind and believed to be exciting in reality. So much so that fifty six percent of Americans
believe religion plays a major role in their lives (Rachels 10).
The ontological argument also explains what God is If he actually exists. For many he is
a personal being than which nothing greater is possible. For others there is only a belief of some
sort of spirit or life force (Rachels 10) that is greater than themselves. This is a great
contradiction, many continue to argue about whether or not God exists. Whether they understand

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Ontological Argument
the Ontological argument or know what it is, they are contributing to the contradiction of the
What is the argument consisted of?
The argument has a variation of other arguments and objections within it. They are
divided by two different terms to identify the type of objection or argument it is. A priori is for
arguments that depend on principles or premises that can be acknowledged only of our existence.
A posteriori is for arguments that depend solely on principles or premises that are acknowledged
only by our means of experience of the world.
Objection 1 is that the argument is too strong, an example used for this would be the
island argument. Is a fully perfect island possible? If there is an island that is superior in
abundance of riches one should not deny its existence in both reality and the mind. Therefore it
must exist, but according to the objection this is wrong because a fully perfect island does not
exist. This is the same with God and what people think about his existence. If we are made in the
image of god then how is it that we are not all powerful? There is no such thing as something
being all powerful if we have not seen it ourselves.
This comes back to the reality and mind argument, where you believe in an all-powerful
being like God in both reality and mind even if you have no proof of it yourself. To make it a
more understandable statement we observe the opinions of those individuals who do not fully
have and understanding of ontology.

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Ontological Argument
The opinions of those not considered philosophical zombies:
Basically whether you are considered a philosophical zombie or not, you believe there is
a beginning to everything, correct? Everyone seems to have the mentality that if there is a
creation there must be a creator, if there is a movement there must be a mover. Thats is the
simplest way to explain why people believe in God. But if he is a creator shouldnt he of also
of been created? People tend to get upset when this question is asked and thoroughly refer to the
bible for their argument.
Looking at the proof needed in order to have solid spiritual growth, the bible states that
Gods incomprehensibility is shown in passages like Job 11:7 and Isaiah 40:18: Job 11:7 Can
you discover the depths of God? Can you discover the limits of the Almighty? Isaiah 40:18 to
whom then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare with Him?
According to Everystudent.coms six reasons why god exists, it is stated that scientists
are convinced that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which
we now call the Big Bang. But the article contradicts this argument by explaining the different
reasons why God exists. Have we ever really put into thought that there must have been a very
intelligent and powerful mind behind the creation of the human eye? The human eye could not of
have been created by just simple energy. This is where Christians take advantage of scientists
being speechless and declare that God is that all powerful and intelligent creator behind the
human eye.
Some believe in god simply because they grew up in a religious background, while others
found something in him that nourished their soul. According to many, there has been spiritual

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Ontological Argument
Proof they have experienced. Other simply do not believe in those kinds of things, because they
state they have never experienced anything first hand. These type of opinions are what cause the
ontological argument to be the basis of a community problem. Reason being that like the good
people we are, we cannot ever seem to agree on anything. Everyone seems to be entitled to their
opinion and they show that all the way through.
All the opinions presented are completely different. There is those that believe one
hundred percent on God and nothing else, there is those that do not even give the argument a
chance and consider themselves atheists. While others are simply just the in betweeners that sit
back and watch the argument build up.
Why should someone care for the Ontological argument?
Whether or not you choose to pay attention to this problem is simply your choice. There
really is nothing that can be done about peoples opinions. Either way people continue and try to
convert other individuals while others stick to their beliefs. This community problem will
continue to be a contradiction for decades to come, unless relative proof of existence is
presented. There is a reason people state not to argue about religion, simply there will never be
an end to the argument.
In conclusion the Ontological argument is a community issue that branches out into
different issues. Because of the question in existence, people continue to question other things
and why they should be done. Thus, making the Ontological argument more important than what
it seems. Yes, perhaps it is a very difficult argument to explain and understand but that does not
degrade the importance of ontology.

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Reference List:
Adamson, M. (n.d.). Is There a God? Retrieved November 10, 2014.
Philly, P., & Lee, I. (n.d.). Why Do We Argue About Religion So Much? [Opinion]. Retrieved
November 10, 2014.
1. Evidence For God's Existence. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2014.
Christiana, G. (n.d.). 5 Faulty Arguments Religious People Use Against Atheists (Debunked).
Retrieved November 10, 2014.
Wellman, J. (2013, August 25). 10 Arguments for the Existence of God. Retrieved November 10,
Matthews, G., & Baker, L. (2010). The ontological argument simplified.Analysis.Apr2010,Vol.
70 Issue 2, 210-212. Retrieved Oct2014.
Rachels, J., & Rachels, S. (2012). 2. God And The Origin Of The Universe. In Problems from
Philosophy (Third ed., p. 10). New York: McGraw Hll Companies.

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