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Clevedon Natural Horsemanship


This is the second annual report of our Clevedon Natural Horsemanship group.
This year, for me, has been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing with Waitawa Regional Park. We were originally promised
(more or less) free reign of the park and use of all the facilities free of charge by the rangers. Kathy and I filled in a
screed of documents to gain the use of the green building. Several members took measurements of the building
and as requested by the rangers we filled in a wish list of how we would like to use it. After our submissions went
to the hierarchy, we were informed that they will eventually take this building off the site and sell it but we could
have the smaller building next to it.
The Parks General Manager suggested that we have a trial for 3 months ending January 2015 to see whether we and
they are happy with each other. The smaller shed, which is very solid for our gear is available as soon as we want it
and I suggested January after our 3 months trial. Some of our members have been to two tree-planting days for
Waitawa and our presence was noticed.
The park rangers are still very encouraging and I feel in the long term we will be in the best position to advise and
use their equestrian improvements they plan in the future. That has been my part in the club this year but the rest
of our group have been carrying on with regular play days etc. as follows:
Kathy Marx has delighted us all by gaining overseas a qualification as an Eponaquesst instructor and Riding Focused
Instructor. She has led our junior group on Monday nights over the summer season. She has also again organised us
as gatekeepers at the Fireworks display which helps our funds.
Gaylene has handled the changing membership and helped members at our senior playdays to ensure that we are all
Hana, our Secretary, has helped organise the senior playdays and had great ideas for our social get togethers like
coming to this restaurant tonight. After Hanas suggestion we are now able to use the A & P grounds on most
Mondays from 9 a.m. until dusk which is great.
Lorraine has organised Hololio for our winter sessions when the A & P grounds have been too wet. She has also
been our ideas member for fund-raising.
Miranda has been active finding ways to get funding for new equipment that we will be able to put in our special
shed at Waitawa Regional Park, as well as efficiently handling the Treasurers job.
The last years Christmas party was enjoyed by young and old. I think we had about 40 people there.
Our uniforms do look nice and made quite an impact on the opening day of Waitawa Park. A nice photo was put in
our local Roundup paper.
We may be holding an overnight camp at the A & P showgrounds next March which we have permission from the
User Group for.

Jane Cook, our Parelli Instructor, has handled our introductory courses for us. Another one is to be held next
Monday 17 November if anyone is interested please see Hana.
We have a strong little club and the best part about it is that we all love our horses and we are all the best of friends.
What more could you want from a club.
Lynn Collecutt
Chairperson 2014.

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