Edsc 304 Graphic Organizer

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The Industrial Revolution was a technological advance

that allowed Europe to produce products in a faster and

more productive way. This created mass production for
a cheaper cost (Princenton.edu). This allowed Europe to
become the new power house of the world. It gave
them a technological and military advantage over
countries in Africa and China, putting to subject of being

Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)


This was the war that Britain declared on China

for China destroying opium in an attempt to stop
British trade (Alphahistory.com). This defeat for
the Chinese forced them to open their country to
free trade, taking Chinas power out of their own
hands and into Western hands.

The Communist Party was a group of Chinese lead by

Moa Zedong. Their goal was not to simply create a
communist party but it was a solution to unite China in
order to rid it of foreign influence like Japan (Mr. Moas
class lecture.) The CCP unified China to fight any foreign
influence to gain Chinas independence. This created a
free China and the China that we know today.

Opium Wars (1840-1842)

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)





Tribute System (1793)

This was the system were China would receive tribute
or goods from neighboring countries around it such as
Korea, Japan, and Vietnam (Mr. Moas Lecture, Lesson
1). This was significant because China was the leader of
the world at this time and even the West had to play by
their rules. This long tradition will make it hard for
China to adapt to the new changes following the New
Age of Imperialism.

Name: Mr. Moa

China Time Line



Boxer Uprising (1900)

Era of Self Strengthening
This was an attempt by China to adapt Western
technology to Chinese life in order to gain military
power to deal with the West. They wanted
Western science with Asian morals (Mr. Moas
class lecture). This was in attempt to stop the
west from controlling China and to make shear
that something like the Opium wars never happen

This was an uprising that the Chinese people

started to try and rid China of any foreign
influence. They wanted to restore the Qing and
restore China to its once former greatness
(History.com). This is a result of China being
abused by foreign countries, the people of China
start to from nationalistic ideas to rid China of any
foreign ideas and rule. This would lead to form
parties like the CCP.

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