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Name: Cheyenne Ball

Lesson Plan Title: The Hungry Thing

Grade Level: Kindergarten
Location: Doral Academy

PSMT Name: Kim Glover

Lesson Plan Topic: Rhyming words
Estimated Time: 30 min
Date: October 1, 2014

1. Standards/Objectives:
1.K.1: Demonstrate phonological awareness of spoken words through rhyming,
concept of word, syllable, awareness, and onset and rime awareness (Phonological
2. Teaching Model: Cooperative Learning
3. Objectives: Kindergarten students will be able to speak and identify rhyming
words by changing beginning sounds of a word. Children will play with sounds in
words and repeat words that rhyme. Students will be able to create words that
rhyme together and compare the same sounds of words and letters. Kindergarten
students will be able to speak and identify rhyming words with an 80% accuracy.
-Prerequisite learning/key concepts: the meaning of a rhyming word, beginning
4. Materials and/or Technology Resources
-The Hungry Thing book
-Monster cutout
-Pictures of food/play food 26 pieces
-Worksheet for assessment 26 copies
-Journals, pencils, crayons etc.
-Class list for assessment
5. Procedures (Content Area Specific)
-Rhyming song with students name (Lemov Strategy- The hook- This will surely
grab the attention of my students. The students are familiar with this song and they
enjoy it very much so. It focuses on rhyming students names. For example: Nixin
Vixin etc.) 2 mins
-Read The Hungry Thing 5 mins
-Each student has to rhyme the food given and feed to monster (whole group
instruction) 10 mins
-Once complete, students will go to his or her desk and complete worksheet given to
them (Paper person and I will pass out paper)
-I will give instruction of where to begin (point to the heart, and read directions etc.)
-Students will hand in worksheet into turn in basket. 10 min
-Students may return to their desk and draw his or her own version of the hungry
thing monster with food he may like to eat. 5 min
-Closure: After students are finished, they may put their monsters away and have a
seat on an individual colored square on carpet to get ready for phonics
-Extension: Students can complete and color (find the picture worksheet-also
identifies rhyming words)

6. Modifications and Accommodations: Students that need

modifications/accommodations will sit in the front of the carpet closest to me. I will
provide one-on-one help as I walk around the room and be sure to pay extra
attention to each of these students work. I will check on them periodically
throughout the lesson to make sure they are understanding and following along.
7. Student Assessment/Evaluation:
Formative Assessment: Teacher will assess when students rhyme their food when
feeding to the monster. Teacher will also assess students as I walk around and
monitor their progress with the worksheet. (Lemov Strategy-Check for
Understanding-while walking around the classroom, I will keep a class list with me
and highlight students names that may need additional help while using a check or a
plus to mark students who understand the content of rhyming words) I will grade
the worksheet and look for at least 80% accuracy of the worksheet. This will allow
me to see what students mastered it, got it, and still need improvement. I can
reteach to small groups if need be.
8. Homework: No homework necessary as lesson objectives were met in class

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