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Meaning of the words.

1. Fertile
- Fertile land or soil is able to produce good crops
2. Crops
- A plant such as wheat, rice or fruit that is grown by farmers and used as food
3. Planting
- To put plants or seeds in the ground to grow
4. Soil
- The top layer of the earth in which plants grow
5. Land
- An area of ground, especially when used for farming or building
6. Ornamental
- Designed to make something look attractive rather than to be used for a particular purpose
7. Nursery
- A place where plants and trees are grown and sold
8. Manure
- Waste matter from animals that is mixed with soil to improve the soil and help plants grow
9. Farm
- An area of land, used of growing crops or keeping animals
10. Yield
- To produce crops, profits etc
11. Equipment
- The tools, machines, clothes etc that you need to do a particular job or activity
12. Fertilizer
- A substance that is put on the soil to make plant grow

13. Weeds
- A wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from
growing properly
14. Pests
- A small animal or insect that destroys crops or food supplies
15. Machines
- A piece of equipment with moving parts that uses power such as electricity to do a
particular job.
16. Chemical
- A substance used in chemistry or produced by a chemical process
17. Pesticides
- A chemical substance used to kill insects and small animals that destroy crops
18. Herbicides
- Technical a substance used to kill unwanted plants
19. Irrigation
- Major projects to supply land and crops with water
20. Breeding
- When animals produce babies: the activity of keeping animals or plants that have particular
21. Farming
- The practise or bussiness of growing crops or keeping animals on the farm
22. Organic
- Relating to farming or gardening methods of growing food without using artificial
chemicals, or produced or grown by those methods
23. Husbandry
- Technical farming: animal husbandary
24. Aquaculture
- The rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food.

25. Live-stock
- Animals such as cows and sheep that are kept on a farm
26. Harvest
- The time when crops are gathered from the fields, or the act of gathering them
27. Silo
- A tall structure like a tower that is used for storing grain, winter food for farm animals etc
28. Fallow
- Fallow land is dug or ploughed but is not used for growing crops
29. Incubator
- A heated container for keeping eggs warm until they hatch
30. Shovel
- A tool with a rounded blade and a long handle used for moving earth , stones etc

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