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Analyse the Opening Sequence of a Film

Analysis of the horror movie The Ring

The director displayed the opening sequence of The Ring as
intense from the beginning due to the intense non-diegetic
music at the start. This music sets the tone of the opening
sequence. Already within the first few seconds of the film a
problem has arisen within the film, this is gathered by the
females facial expressions being shown by many close-up
shots. This represents the female as scared because she seems
to be alone at home. The female then notices the television is
switched on and cannot seem to switch the television
completely off. She assumes that it is a prank but it is not,
which causes her to be portrayed as worried by the shots
shown. There are many close-up shots of her facial expressions
and she makes vast movements because she is shown to be
panicking. As soon as she does manage to switch the television
off another problem has arisen, whereby cupboard doors for
example seem to be opening by themselves. A point of view shot
is shown to show the girl panic and worry, as she cant seem
to comprehend what is going on.
The female is then shown to be making her way upstairs in the
opening sequence; the television in her room also
automatically comes on by itself. At this point, viewers are
already curious as to why this is happening and are intrigued
to see more. The sound effects in the opening sequence is used
build a sense of fear as well as the shots which include long
shots to show where she is going and medium shots to show her
movements is used to create an even bigger impact.

Fatima Batool

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