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Motion: Motion by Council Member Talmage, seconded by Council Member Dallas to

adopt the following items and authorize the City Administrator to move forward with the
13 directives.
Directing the City Attorney and City Administrator to bring to Council within the
next two months a draft Whistleblower policy.

Authorizing the City Administrator to have the auditor, JJACPA, Inc., undertake
an audit of all City issued credit cards.


Authorize the City Administrator to have JJACPC, Inc., audit the Deposit Fund.


Requesting that the monthly warrants list or a separate document included in the
monthly agenda packet include the cumulate total of each listed vendor as well
as the amount authorized for each vendors contract. Alternatively, if this effort
proves to person power intensive since all entries must be hand entered, direct
that the most expensive fifteen (15) contracts be listed with the cumulative total
and the authorization limit.


Authorize the staff to seek proposals from private companies for handling the
Citys payroll.


Initiating at least quarterly in 2015, and for reconsideration in late 2015

depending upon its success, a meeting of Council, citizens, Department Directors
and Managers and the City Administrator where any question can be put forth to
any elected or appointed official.


Scheduling a future study session for the purpose of scaling back the projects list
for 2014-15 and the years beyond.


Authorizing the staff to commence a rewrite of the Personnel Code.


Authorize a letter to the Grand Jury regarding recent events within the City.


Authorize the outsourcing of Human Resources.


Authorize to move forward with new IT system.


Direct staff to use League of California Cities for Best Practices regarding
policies and procedures for the City.


Authorize this list of projects, tasks to be a fluid document to add or delete as


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