Font - Large, Bold Writing

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Font Large, bold writing

to stand out to the reader

and immediately inform
them what it is about. Its
also written in a very
gangster font and looks as
if it has been printed and
been involved with a
spray can. This relates to
the genre of the magazine
as these are the
stereotypical actions
these people will do.

Main Image Shows the

main artist who features in
the magazine, usually
includes a popular, successful
artist or band. This artist is a
classic example of the person
who should be feature in the
main image of this certain
magazine. The artists actions
show him to be doing the
stereotypical thing for the
people who are interested in
this genre of music.
Colour Scheme Includes a
variety of colours to make the
magazine colourful. The bright
colours used would appeal to
the audience as they would like
the colours to exuberate their
personal lives.

Background The background includes a variety of colours and includes

some spray paint being printed onto the wall. This can relate to the
reader as the reader will be participating in stuff like this themselves.

Images This feature highilights the

things the stereotypical things the
people who like this genre enjoy
and participate in. The example
shows empty bottles of alcohol and
a large ster

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