Tutorial 4 AM1100

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AM1100 Engineering Mechanics

Tutorial 4 Virtual Work

1. A homogeneous ladder having mass m and length L is held in equilibrium by a horizontal force P
as shown in figure 1. Use principle of virtual work to find a relationship between M and P.

Figure 1

2. Using principle of virtual work, determine the relationship between the moment M applied to
the crank and force F applied to crosshead in the slider crank mechanism shown in fig 2.

Figure 2

3. Use the method of virtual work to determine the value of F to hold the frame (figure 3) in
equilibrium under the action of force P. Each link is of length 2a and =45.

4. Consider the mechanism in Figure 4, made using massless members. The spring has a stiffness of
k and a resting length LSP0, determine the force P when the mechanism is in position shown.

4-b) Suppose the force P was pulling the point B to the left (not shown in figure), determine the
force P.

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