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Ratings agencies criticised by European


Commission President Manuel Barroso

questioned the objectivity of the international ratings agencies .
The European Commission has strongly criticised international credit ratings agencies
following the downgrade of Portugal by Moody's.
The Commission said the timing of the downgrade was "questionable" and raised the issue of
the "appropriateness of behaviour" of the agencies in general.
Earlier, Greek Foreign Minister Stavros Lambrinidis said the agencies' actions in the debt
crisis had been "madness".
Ratings agencies have downgraded Greece and Portugal many times recently.
The three main agencies are Standard & Poor's, Moody's Investors Service and Fitch.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told a news conference that he wanted to
"break the oligopoly of the ratings agencies" and limit their influence.
On Tuesday, Moody's downgraded Portugal's debt to "junk" status, citing worries that the
country may need a second bail-out.
"The timing of Moody's decision is not only questionable, but also based on absolutely
hypothetical scenarios which are not in line at all with implementation," said Commission
spokesman Amadeu Altafaj.
"This is an unfortunate episode and it raises once more the issue of the appropriateness of
behaviour of credit rating agencies."
Commission President Manuel Barroso added that the move by Moody's "added another
speculative element to the situation".
He also said it was strange that none of the ratings agencies were based in Europe.

"[This] shows there may be some bias in the markets when it comes to the evaluation of
specific issues of Europe," he said.
'Self-fulfilling prophecy'
Earlier, Mr Lambridinis told a conference in Berlin that the agencies had exacerbated an
already difficult situation.
He told the conference that Moody's decision to downgrade Portugal's rating was not based
on any failure to implement economic reforms.
He said Moody's made an "assumption that Portugal would need a second bail-out", a move
that had "the wonderful madness of self-fulfilling prophecy" - because it made it harder for
Portugal to borrow to keep afloat.
Portugal's downgrade has led to the yield on its 10-year bonds exceeding 11%. German 10year bonds - deemed the safest in the eurozone - have a yield of about 3%.
Avoiding default
Greece and Portugal - with the Irish Republic - are the eurozone countries whose finances are
so weak that they have received assistance from the European Union (EU) and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Greece is currently in the process of negotiating a second bail-out. Rating agencies are
watching this closely, as commercial lenders are discussing how they can contribute to the
Later on Wednesday, senior executives from European lenders will hold a meeting to discuss
how to agree repayment terms which would fulfil both their need for repayment and Greece's
need to access funds.
The agencies have voiced doubts that this can be done without them declaring that Greece
has defaulted on its debts.
That would spark a round of write-downs of Greek debts held by state and commercial banks,
potentially causing mayhem on the financial markets.

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