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21, 2013
Dear Parents:
We are beginning our introduction to the research paper in English 6. It will be 5
paragraphs in length with documentation and works cited. Students will be
required to complete research notes. We will be using an app called Evernote for
notetaking. We are NOT requiring that anyone buy note cards and ONLY want the
notes in Evernote.
This project will take he remainder of the 2nd 6 weeks and all of the 3rd 6 weeks
grading periods. In addition to the research paper itself, at the end of the process,
students will create a project using the information gathered and present it to the
Due to the nature of this essay and the time involved, we want everyone to be aware
of the fact that if a student does not meet the deadlines below and turn the paper in
on time, he or she will more than likely fail the six weeks grading period. Late work
on this paper will throw a student so far behind that failure will be probable.
We will be providing many class periods in which to complete all steps of the
writing process. If time is used wisely, there should not be much if anything to
finish at home. Any work not completed in class will become homework.
Please help us by checking with your student to make sure that he or she is working
in a timely manner and meeting the deadlines. This will help ensure success for
everyone. We will be uploading documents from the packet to our websites as back
up copies. These will go into the websites as they are used in class.
Ms. Wilson and Ms. Finley
I understand the above information.
Student Signature

Parent Signature

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Detach and keep:

Note cards: November 7

2nd Rough Draft: December 2

Outline: November 14

Ratiocination: December 5

1st Rough Draft: November 19

2nd Conference/Edit: December 5

Peer Conference: November 21

Final Copy/Packet: December 12

Project and presentation: December 15-17

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