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Olivia Rossbach

Harper English 102: Live Play Analysis

April 9, 2013

Robert Harlings Steel Magnolias was recently produced by Chesapeake Colleges theater
company Peake Players. The play was set in a hair salon named Truvys Beauty Shop located in
Chinquapin, Louisiana. The story line took place in the 1980s and progresses through a year of events
six women experience together in the beauty shop. Through one significantly tragic event the six women
learn how close they truly are and how the support of family is enough to overcome loss. Through an
analysis of plot, character development and lighting, the entertaining production of Steel Magnolias
was successful in communicating a mood of the power of friendship and a familys love.
In Steel Magnolias the audience is introduced to the lives of six main characters in a southern
Louisiana beauty shop. Outspoken Truvy, played by Becca Webb, is the owner of the gossip filled beauty
shop which is the center stage of the play. Shy Annelle, played by Olivia Litteral, is new to town and
becomes Truvys new assistant at the beauty shop, as well as, her newest friend in the community.
Clairee is played by Kathy Jones and is Truvys long time friend, as well as, one of the salons regular fun
loving customers. In addition, Shelby, played by Laura Kams, is also one of Truvys vibrant clients and
when a kidney transplant fails, taking Shelbys life, the beauty shop is united like never before.
Furthermore, Truvys costumer MLynn, played by Susan Cianchetta, is Shelbys mother and kidney
donor. Finally, Ouiser, played by Nancy Calderia, is an elderly southern lady who has, been in a bad
mood for 40 years who also has a soft side when it comes to her beauty shop friends and her dog.
An analysis of Steel Magnolias plot line demonstrates how successful the play was at
demonstrating the power of friendship and a familys love. We learn that Shelby is a diabetic and was
told by doctors that she could not have children. The family dynamic represented in the hair salon is

shown when the women come together more than ever before to support Shelby throughout a life
threatening medical problem made terminal after having her first and only child. As Shelby and her
mother reach out to doctors to perform a kidney transplant that later fails and takes Shelbys life, the
other four women in Truvys Beauty Shop unite, encouraging and loving Shelbys mother as if they were
a family. The four loyal friends in the shop support Shelby and her Mom down the emotional, intimate
road filled with Dialysis, needles and uncertainty, doing their best to lift the MLynns spirits. In times of
crisis the four women empathize with Shelbys mom, doing their best to comfort her a year after
Shelbys child was born, when her kidneys fatally shut down. Even in the hardest times of all their lives,
the beauty shop family join together in laughter and love.
Furthermore, an analysis of character development in Annelle demonstrates how effective the
play was at demonstrating the power of friendship and a familys love. Annelle was new to town with a
secret past looking for a fresh start and getting hired by Truvy was just what she needed. Annelle walked
into the five best friends life and as the play goes on, we see Annelle grow in her faith and express
herself through the support and love of the beauty shop women. The women shared clothes, job advice
and Truvy even opens her house for Annelle to live there. Through the ups and downs of Shelbys
diabetes, pregnancy and death, Annelle and her new friends care for one another, creating a family
Lastly, noticing the lighting and design throughout the play contributed to setting the mood in
Steel Magnolias. The play opens to a bright lighted hair salon, women gossiping, reading magazines
and drinking coffee. The lighting and atmosphere of the play gives the audience a sense of belonging
and that we are a part of the laughter in the shop. Throughout the months of the play, like December,
the lighting mimics the mood, brightly lit, with red and green decorations everywhere and Christmas
music on the radio. However, the lighting gets dark when Shelbys mother comes into the salon,

explaining Shelbys risky pregnancy; likewise the mood is very dark, tense and discouraged.
Furthermore, months have passed and as June arrives the play lighting is bright, the women are wearing
spring clothes and the radio is playing cheerful music. Shelby has had her baby and has a never before
experienced joy that all the women of the beauty shop witness. Lastly, November is around and Shelbys
mom is in the salon wearing a dark jacket. The mood is very sad with Shelbys bubbly personality no
longer in the salon after her kidney transplant failed and her mother explains she passed away. The
women do their best to make Shelbys mom laugh and when she leaves the salon she turns the radio on,
symbolizing there is hope even in the darkest times, thanks to the friendships and memories made in
Truvys shop.
The theme of family and friendship is very well communicated throughout the amusing play
Steel Magnolias. Analyzing plot, character development and lighting/design only support the mood
and atmosphere of family in the play. I would recommend this play to others, of any age group, to learn
more about family and the importance of supporting one another in good and bad times.

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