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Analysis of the WITTS Generator

A Report Conerning A Modern Application of Tesla's Technology
Version 1.0.7.D
Images in this report used under the fair use doctrine.
Two possibilities exist with respect to the above device.
One: It's a fake.
Two. It might be real.
For all of those who believe it's a fake, I say to you, Congratulations. You're done.
Perhaps, it's possible for you to realize that there is no need for you to try to convince others
to believe as you do. I would like to suggest that as long as you securely believe that the
device is fake and you're okay with believing that, then that should be enough for you;
however, if you're not satisfied with that suggestion, then I suggest you write and publish your
own ideas as to why the device is a fake.
The other possibility exists that the device might be real. If the device is not a fake but
real, how would such a device be constructed? What might be its operating principle?
Firstly, if the device is real, then WITTS Ministries should openly publish to all mankind
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how the device is built and how it works. Not releasing the construction plans of this device
essentially amounts to suppression of the technology. However, if WITTS Ministries were to
publically release constructions plans to this device, so it could be replicated, then WITTS
Ministries would be completely vindicated, and then they could rightfully claim their place as
the ones who openly published this technology for the good of all mankind.
Since the scripture says, Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow
of thee turn not thou away, I am asking WITTS Ministries to give us, that is, mankind,
construction plans to this device, so private experimenters can replicate this technology.
Secondly, I would like to thank WITTS Ministries for releasing the four videos that they
did release about the WITTS generator. Thank you. I hope you will consider making more
videos about this device in which you show us how how the device is built and how it works.
Personally, I do believe that overunity is possible. I would site Bruce DePalma's
Sunburst Generator as the prime example. Therefore, if overunity is possible and the WITTS
generator works, what might the technology be based on?
Is the WITTS generator is based on Tesla patents # 381968 and 381970?

Fig. 1
The coil doesn't appear to be continuously wound. It appears to be wound in segments. The
area in the yellow rectangle in Figure 1 appears to show a gray metalic core of the toroid.
There is another device that shows a very similar configuration. I am referring to Tesla patent
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#381970, specifically, the wound toroid coil in Figure 2.

Fig. 2
Notice the exposed core indicated within the red rectangle in Figure 2. However, if you
were to closely inspect the area within the yellow rectangle in Figure 1, the gray metallic
material appears to be solid. Could it be graphite or, perhaps, a laminated silicone steel core?
What exactly are we looking at within the area enclosed by the yellow rectangle in Figure 1?
What is that material made of? Good question.
Another clue that we do get is the toroid in Figure 1 is composed of segments. The
toroid appears to be made of several copper wire windings. Within the area of bounded by the
yellow rectangle, there doesn't appear to be any winding covering the gray metallic core
material in Figure 1. that is, what we presume is a gray metallic core material.
To review, we can observe that the WITTS generator toroid is composed of several
winding segments. It can also be observed that the winding segments appear to have varying
widths. We can refer to these winding sements as quadrants. We can observe in the side
overhead view in Figure 3 that the right side winding of the WITTS generator appears to be
slightly larger than the top winding of the very same generator.
Tim Thrapp refers to the side coils as vibrating coils. One could speculate that the
reason we see the right side coil appear larger than the top coil is because possibly the side
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vibrating coil either contains multiple wire windings or there is more wire wound in a single
winding at the right side of the device. See

Fig. 3
What are the two vibrating coils connected to? What is causing these vibrating coils to
vibrate? Why did Tim Thrapp initially refer to them as output coils? Was that a Freudian slip,
possibly revealing how Thrapp thought of them in some way? Or was it just a genuine
mistake on his part?
Has anyone ever made a transcript of all of the videos that Tim Thrapp was in with the
above WITTS generator? Having such a transcript might be useful in futher understanding
how this device possibly operates. If no one has, then it may be necessary to issue a video
transcription request.

Video Transcription Request

If you have some available free time and would like to contribute some of your time and
labor free-of-charge to this effort, would you please consider transcribing one or more of the
following videos:


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Disclaimer: By no means is a video transcription request to be construed as an

endorsement of WITTS Ministries. Neither is there any intent here to offer you or anybody
else any invitation to make a donation to WITTS Ministries. We would advise you to not make
a donation to WITTS Ministries until such time that they openly publish construction plans to
the WITTS Generator, as shown above and that we have made mention to, and that such
constructions plans put forth the above device which can be replicatable, according to the
said construction plans, by private experimenters, and that such replication(s) work or
function and indicate overunity in operation.
Please post your completed transcription(s) at the following URL:
We have found that transcribing audio content from videos isn't that difficult. The
following is a portion of an uncompleted transcription of Thrapp's original, earlier video:

Beginning of Transcript
Thrapp: uh.. We have been in.. busy in the ministry.. world improvement.. of world improvement.. uh..
for nineteen years. We.. we set up nineteen years ago. We.. uh.. developed over 150 different
technologies of different kinds. This is one of the machines we'll be demonstrating today. It puts out
extra energy, enough to run itself and light up some lights. And..
Interviewer: I thought that was impossible.
Thrapp: That's what we were all taught. uh.. The new paradyme shift is to realize that these things are
going on all around us. Solar panels are over-energy. uh.. We even have some that work at night now
that are still in the experimental stage, And now we've been doing night-time solar panels for ten
years, but the rest of the world is finally talking about it. uh.. See the stars give off energy. Everything
gives energy. Matter itself will give off energy. Even the aether field will give off energy if it's.. if it's
stressed correctly.. uh.. the gravity field if you want to say it that way. The gravity is one aspect of the
aether field or the dominant energy field. And that will give off energy if it's stressed correct, so literally
a field that appears to be neutral, which they define gravity as neutral, they define magnetism as
neutral, as far as energy output, but if they stress them correctly, they can get them to give off energy.
Interviewer: Fantastic. What do we got here. Here, we are underneath here. Here, we underneath
Thrapp: Let me lift it up some. Since you looking under here. Just take a picture underneath there.
Interviewer: Okay.
Thrapp: Just so we got it in case somebody wants to see.

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Interviewer: Sure
Thrapp: We can always cut it out later.
Interviewer: Nothing inside.
Thrapp: Let me look underneath this one.
Interviewer: And there we have it, again
Thrapp: (grunting)
Interviewer: Nothing inside. It's just an empty cinder block.
Thrapp: Okay. There we go.
Interviewer: And there we have capacitors, light bulbs, a very interestingly wound motor, the motor
that's turning the larger motor, and the varistat that controls the speed.
Thrapp: And.. uh.. we've got a diode bridge there with a heat sink. Over here we have some electronic
components.. uh.. You probably can't see them on the video, but basically that helps.. that basically
controls.. helps keep it stable and controls the amount of power so that.. and.. and.. even gets it in the
right frequency range because this is a variable frequency generator, but over here it's sixty cycles
which is what you want, pretty close to sixty cylces.
Interviewer: Okay.
Thrapp: And uh.. and it controls the voltage, so that the voltage is the same, because it's not going up
and down and stuff like that, so similar to inverter technology right there.
Interviewer: Okay.
Thrapp: And you've got a bank of capacitor, and you've got the load. Basically, that's the parts. You've
also some components in this blue box and that blue box.
Interviewer: Okay.
Thrapp: Yep.
Interviewer: So what do we do now?
Thrapp: Okay, so start it up.
Interviewer: Okay
Thrapp: Let me.. uh.. Starts up with regular power

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Interviewer: Okay. So, you have to plug it in to get it going.
Thrapp: On this model, yeah. You could use a battery.. uh.. It could be done different ways..

End of Transcript

Fig. 4.
In Figure 4, is Tim Thrapp referring to the side coils as vibrating coils? It would appear
so, if you believe as I do. What is Tim Thrapp specifically referring to? Could he be referring to
a resonant circuit? That is a very good question. We will have to look at that question more

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Joining in on the Discussion

You can join in the discussion about this device at Energetic Forum. For more
discussion on this subject and to find the most recent version of this document, visit

Updated Versions
From time to time, this document will be corrected and updated, as indicated by the
current version number.

Supporting the Work

Please consider making a Bitcoin donation to help fund the continued analysis of this
device and the continued writing and authoring of this document.
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Fig. 5
At this point, a quadrant referencing system for the WITTS generator would be helpful.
Figure 5 shows the face of the WITTS generator. It is divided into four quadrants: top, right,
left, and lower. From what Tim Thrapp indicated and from what we believe, the vibrating
coils are in the right and left quadrants of the device. Obviously, more research will have
to be performed in order to ascertain exactly what Tim Thrapp meant by his reference of the
term vibrating coils. One of the questions is are these coils vibrating as a result of some
action being performed on them, or are these vibrating coils performing an action and
affecting some other coils, perhaps, secondary coils of this device? What about the idea of
these being output coils? If they were output coils, wouldn't that make them secondary coils of
the device? We'll come back to this idea later. I have a few ideas on this subject that I would
like to develop later.

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Another Type of Quadrant System to Describe

Tesla's Patent #381970 in this Document

Fig. 6
Let's take a look at another quadrant system. We are going to describe the following
four quadrants as though we we were looking at them on a map. Although not specifically
described by the four directions of the compass, we're are going to take a look at the primary
input coils of the toroid transformer in Tesla's patent #381970 in such a way.
You will notice that we have two color-coded groups of quadrants. The NW Quadrant
and the SE Quadrant are color-coded red. The NE Quadrant and the SW Quadrant are colorcoded blue. The red quadrants represent a set of two primary coils connected in series, and
the blue quadrants represent another set of two primary coils also connected in series.

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Fig. 6
Figure 6, we see two AC signals being fed into the toroid transformer. Accordng to the patent,
the phase of the second AC signal is shifted by ninety degrees.

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Fig. 7
In Figure 7, we see that the AC Signal Input #1 feeds the Primary Group #1 set of coils.
In other words, the primary coils for the NE and SW Quadrants are energized. It would appear
that magnetic field in ring A, also known as the electrically-insulated, soft-iron core, is a closed

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Fig: 8
In Figure 8, we see that the AC Signal Input #2 feeds the Primary Group #2 set of coils.
In other words, the primary coils for the NW and SE Quadrants are energized. However, there
is one additional point to note, and that is the phase of this AC signal is shifted ninety
degrees. In Figure 9, we can certainly see what Tesla has to say about shifting the phase of
the second AC input. This is significant. We need to look at what Tesla said about this varying
phase difference between the two groups of primary coils, and why it is so important.

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What Did Tesla Say?

Fig: 9
In Figure 9, Tesla, in patent #381970, says by shifting the poles of the ring A a
powerful dynamic inductive effect on the coils C C' is produced. Ring A is the toroid of soft,
electrically-insulated iron wires. The coils C and C' are the secondary coils of the toroid
transformer. However, the secondary coils are not wired as the primary coils are.
In reference to what Tesla said, it would seem to me that this effect is a desireable
effect, and so the necessity of having two sets of primary coils with one of the primaries being
phase shifted ninety degrees becomes apparent, that is, if you want a powerful dynamic
inductive effect to be produced, as Tesla indicated, on the secondary coils vis--vis the
electrically-insulated, soft-iron core of the toroidal transformer.

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Joining in on the Discussion

You can join in the discussion about this device at Energetic Forum. For more
discussion on this subject and to find the most recent version of this document, visit

Updated Versions
From time to time, this document will be corrected and updated, as indicated by the
current version number.

Supporting the Work

Please consider making a Bitcoin donation to help fund the continued analysis of this
device and the continued writing and authoring of this document.
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Fig. 10
Figure 10 illustrates the two different AC signals being applied to the two separate sets
of primary coils in the toroid transformer in patent #381970. One set of primary coils will
always be 90 degrees out of phase with the other set of primary coils. This difference
produces the powerful dynamic inductive effect that Tesla spoke of.

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Fig. 11
In Figure 11, you can see the two-phase AC generator in Tesla's patent. The generator
outputs two different AC signals; however, the second AC signal being outputted by the
generator is phase shifted ninety degrees to that of the generator's first AC signal output, and
of course, the generator feeds these two different phase AC signals to the two primary inputs
of the toroid transformer, the component, that Tesla refers to as a converter.

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Fig. 12
In Figure 12, we see that the above toroid transformer drives two different kinds of
loads. Load #1 is bank of incandescent lamps in parallel, and load #2 is bank of arc lights in
series. Load #1 is relatively low voltage and high current, whereas load #2 is relatively high
voltage but low current.
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Fig. 13
In Figure 13, we see that the windings oppose one another. Likewise, the currents
being produced in the secondary windings oppose one another.

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Fig. 14
Figure 14 shows the arrangement in a simplified form.

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Fig. 15
Figure 15 illustrates two opposing coils producing opposing outputs in series.
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In this arrangement, the voltage is sufficient to illuminate four arc lights in series.

Fig. 16
Figure 16 shows a simplified schematic of the same arrangement.
So, we see that opposing coils in parallel produce low voltage at high current, and
opposing coils in series produce high voltage and low current. It would seem that it would be
possible to use any number of combinations of opposing coil arrangements for the
secondaries to power loads of various power requirements, for example, only powering banks
of incandescent lamps in parallel.

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You can join in the discussion about this device at Energetic Forum. For more
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Updated Versions
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current version number.

Supporting the Work

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device and the continued writing and authoring of this document.
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The Case For Shifting Poles

At this point, I personally believe it is imperative to see what Tesla says in his
Patent #381970. By the way, Tesla refers to his toroid transformer as the Converter. Starting
on line 82 on page 2 of the patent, we read:
The generator in this system will be adapted to the converter in the manner illustrated.

Fig. 17
For example, in the present case I employ a pair of ordinary permanent or electro magnets,
E E, between which is mounted a cylindrical armature on a shaft, F, and wound with two coils,
G G.
The terminals of these coils are connected, respectively. to four insulated contact or collecting
rings, H H H H, and the four line circuit-wires L connect the brushes K, bearing on these
rings, to the converter in the order shown.

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Fig. 18
Noting the results of this combination, it will be observed that at a given point of time the coil
G is in its neutral position and is generating little or no current, while the other coil, G, is in
a position where it exerts its maximum effect.

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Fig. 19
Assuming coil G to be connected in circuit with coils B B of the converter, and coil G with
cells B B, it is evident that the poles of the ring A will be determined by coils B B
alone; but as the armature of the generator revolves, coil G develops more current and coil G
less, until G reaches its maximum and G its neutral position.

Fig. 20
The obvious result will be to shift the poles of the ring A through one-quarter of its
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The movement of the coils through the next quarter of a turn, during which coil G enters
a field of opposite polarity and generates a current of opposite direction and increasing
strength, while coil G, in passing from its maximum to its neutral position generates a current
of decreasing strength and same direction as before, causes a further shifting of the poles
through the second quarter of the ring.
The second half-revolution will obviously be a repetition of the same action.

Fig. 21
By the shifting of the poles of the ring A a powerful dynamic inductive effect on the
coils C C is produced.
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Besides the currents generated in the secondary coils by dynamo-magnetic induction other
currents will be set up in the same coils in consequence of any variations in the intensity of
the poles in the ring A.
This should be avoided by maintaining the intensity of the poles constant, to accomplish
which care should be taken in designing and proportioning the generator and in distributing
the coils in the ring A and balancing their effect.

After considering statements by Tesla in his patent, such as The obvious result will be
to shift the poles of the ring A through one-quarter of its periphery. and ..causes a further
shifting of the poles through the second quarter of the ring. and The second half-revolution
will obviously be a repetition of the same action, it seems to me that what Tesla is describing
looks like a continuously revolving and continuously shifting-pole magnetic field that is
occuring inside of Ring A of his Converter, ie, what I refer to as his toroid transformer in his
patent, ie, Patent #381970.
Something is happing here in this transformer (aka Tesla's Converter) that doesn't
happen in the ordinary transformers of the modern era, for example, a microwave oven
transformer, an isolation transformer or just about any other kind of off-the-shelf transformer
that you might buy in today's market.
So, why aren't we using these Tesla Converters in modern electronics?
For your convenience, a link to Patent #381970 is provided below.

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You can join in the discussion about this device at Energetic Forum. For more
discussion on this subject and to find the most recent version of this document, visit

Updated Versions
From time to time, this document will be corrected and updated, as indicated by the
current version number.

Supporting the Work

Please consider making a Bitcoin donation to help fund the continued analysis of this
device and the continued writing and authoring of this document. Please make your donation
payable to the following Bitcoin payment address:

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Tesla's Induction Motor Patent #381968

Tesla's electromagnet motor patent shows a 2-phase motor design.

Fig. 22
Figure 22 is taken from Fig. 9 in the patent, and starting at line 66 in the patent, Tesla
states, Referring first to Fig. 9, which is a diagrammatic representation of a motor,
a generator, and connecting-circuits in accordance with my invention, M is the motor, and G
the generator for driving it. The motor comprises a ring or annulus, R, preferably built up of
thin insulated iron rings or annular plates, so as to be as susceptible as possible to variations
in its magnetic condition. This ring is surrounded by four coils of insulated wire symmetrically
placed, and designated by C C C C. The diametrically-opposite coils are connected up so as
to co-operate in pairs in producing free poles on diametrically-opposite parts of the ring. The
four free ends thus left are connected to terminals T T T T, as indicated. Near the ring, and
preferably inside of it, there is mounted on an axis or shaft, a, a magnetic disk, D, generally
circular in shape, but having two segments cutaway, as shown. This disk is mounted so as to
turn freely within the ring R.
So, we can see that M (motor) in Figure 22 is somewhat analogous to the design attributed to
Tesla in Figure 23.

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Fig. 23

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Fig. 24
In Figure 24, we can clearly see the 2-phase winding of the ring. Tesla also refers to
this ring as an annulus. Turning on an axis within the center of the ring is the disk.
The above motor design in Figure 24 does appear to look somewhat similar to the
construction of the WITTS generator, as seen in Figure 25 of this report.

Fig. 25
In observing the WITTS generator in Figure 25, can we suppose that the rotor employs
the use of a some sort of a magnet in its construction? In the beginning of the WITTS
Ministries' video, it states that there is no magnet in the device. Would that also include an
electromagnet? After all, isn't an electromagnet a form of a magnet? If the WITTS generator
has an electromagnet in its rotor, how is it energized? Let's table that question for a while.
What if we wanted to make a generator which looked similar to the WITTS generator
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but it included a magnet in its design, might that design look like the following diagram?
Would it work? Perhaps, someone will do the experiment and share the results with us.

Fig. 26
Might the design in Figure 26 produce two AC signal outputs, with one of the signals
being phase shifted 90 degrees? What if we based the generator's output windings on the
secondary coils of Tesla's converter design? Consider the arrangement below.

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Fig. 27
Are we starting to see a pattern? Perhap, we need two phases.
Would the circuit in Figure 27 work? I don't believe so.
Could the above device output enough current to light a light? Not with a single phase,
and in the above set up, that is all that magnet will give you, that is, single phase with respect
to those secondary outputs in Figure 27.
Let take a look at the other secondary outputs from Tesla's Patent #381970. The outputs that
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were driving the arc lamps. That would be high voltage and low current.

.Fig. 28

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Fig. 29
When we are dealing with how the secondary windings are wired in Tesla's Ring, we
need two primary signal inputs of the same frequency but different phases, and one of the
phases needs to be shifted ninety degrees. Otherwise, I believe the seconday windings in
combination with the above wiring configuration won't power a load.
What is the idea behind these windings? We will have to come back to this idea later.
For now, we will just have to table the question for a while.

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Let take a look at resonance.

Fig. 30
As mentioned earlier, in the video, Tim Thrapp refers to vibrating coils in the WITTS
generator. This reference relates to resonance. So what exactly is resonance?
There are several definitions in use for the term, but we will use the following defintion
just to get a general idea of what it is, and even though it may not apply specifically to
electrical resonance, we also want, for lack of a better term, a feeling for it, so for our
definition, we are going to go with Resonance is the reinforcement or prolongation of sound
by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object.
Vibration has a frequency. Simply, how do we determine that frequency? Without
getting too techincal, is there a formula that we can use? Of course, there is.
You can see the forumula on the next page.

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There's a awesome video on resonance at
So, is there a simple way to calculate a resonant frequency? In fact, you can do it using
an online resonant frequency calculator at
Can we create a simulation of a resonant frequency circuit? Of course, you can. There
is a basic online circuit simulator at website reference removed. I don't want that fellow's
bandwidth being all used up.
So why bring up resonance, formulas and circuit simulators?
Well, if you look at the following image of the WITTS generator, you'll see a bank of
capacitors. Since capacitors can be employed in resonant circuits, it seemed like a good idea
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to mention all of those things.

Fig. 29B
As you see, there is a huge bank of capactors attached to the WITTS generator, so
that is very interesting.
Below is a resonant frequency circuit in a simulation.


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Phase Shifted Input

Tesla phase shifts the inputs. If we want the combined secondaries to be able to power
a load as the outputs from the secondaries are wired, then we need a shifted phase on one of
the primary inputs.

Fig. 31
The two circuits are identical, except the first circuit has the phase of the second input,
B, shifted by ninety degrees. The other circuit doesn't. In Figure 31, the HVLC secondary is
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being employed.
Tesla has two types of secondaries that he used in Patent #381970: LVHC & HVLC.

Fig. 32
Figure 32 shows the two types of secondaries employed by Tesla in his patent.

Low Voltage High Current

High Voltage Low Current

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Fig. 33
In Figure 33. which depicts a simulation, the above circuit is fed with a 60 cps square
wave at 60v. There are two sets of primaries being fed to Transformer #1 and Transformer #2.
The signal to Transformer #1 is phase shifted by a phase-shifting capacitor Cps. The two set
of secondaries are arranged according to Tesla's Low Voltage High Current secondaries
configuration. The output from those two sets of secondaries is fed to an isolating transformer
(Ti). Then R, Cp, the Resonant Transformer (Tr) and the load comprise a series-parallel
resonant circuit. The load is made up of eigh incandescent lamps rated at 100 Watts at 120
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One of the Inputs Phase Shifted by 90 Degrees & Resonance

So, I wanted to see what it would look like if I combined the idea of having the second
input phase shifted by ninety degrees as illustrated in Figure 31 and the idea of a resonant
circuit as illustrated in Figure 30.
The result is what you saw in Figure 33.

Fig. 33
I would like to thank Nikola Tesla for his contribution to mankind.

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Fig. 35
Nikola Tesla
Throughout space there is energy. ... it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in
attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.

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Joining in on the Discussion

You can join in the discussion about this device at Energetic Forum. For more
discussion on this subject and to find the most recent version of this document, visit

Updated Versions
From time to time, this document will be corrected and updated, as indicated by the
current version number.

Supporting the Work

Please consider making a Bitcoin donation to help fund the continued analysis of this
device and the continued writing and authoring of this document. Please make your donation
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