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There is no limit to how much you know, depending how far beyond the zebra you go

--Dr. Seuss

Les classes de Mlle Bower

Novembre 2014

Welcome Back to
French Class!
A letter for students and parents
Bonjour les parents,
I hope everyone is healthy and doing well! Because the primary
French program is 100% oral, I can only evaluate what the students
do in class, which makes it difficult at times to keep you up to date.
For this reason, I have decided to start a monthly newsletter to keep
parents informed about what their child is learning in French class.
This newsletter will be available electronically through my website

Les rgles

in the blog section (located in the top header of this email) or by

email on request. If you require a paper copy, please let me know
and I will be happy to send one home with your child(ren); however,








Parle franais

our school is making an effort to reduce our ecological

footprint, so paper copies will not be distributed unless
requested. As always, if you ever have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me at the school by
phone or by email.
Mademoiselle Bower

More inside!

What were learning

Grades 1-3: Please ensure that your child
knows his or her home phone number, as we will
be working on how to say our phone numbers in
French. At the end of month, students in Grades
1-3 will learn the names of some classroom and/or
school locations and some prepositions (sur, sous,
dans, devant, derrire, ct de) so that we can
add elf on a shelf to our daily routine for the
month of December.

Grade 1: In November, Grade 1 students will

continue to learn how to communicate our needs
by learning about vocabulary related to les fruits et
les legumes (fruits and vegetables). Students will
also learn how to communicate if they like
something by using the verb aimer in the first
person singular (jaime et je naime pas).

What you can do to

help your child succeed

Grade 2: Students in Grade 2 will also be

Help your child learn French by doing some of these

learning vocabulary related to le gouter (snack)

and meal times. They will learn how to
communicate if they are hungry using the
expression jai faim and what kinds of food they
like using the verb aimer (jaime et je naime pas).
Lastly, by studying different meal times, students
will begin to learn how to tell time to the nearest
hour (9h) in French.

things every day!

Read EVERYDAY! Vocabulary


development in English can help

French vocabulary and vice-versa!
Be POSITIVE! Always speak


positively about school, learning,

Grade 3: Grade 3 students in Ms. Tureks class

and your childs teachers

will continue to practice how to answer questions

pertaining to themselves (personal preferences,
eye and hair colour, likes and dislikes, age, etc.) in
the oral warm-up routine. We will also continue to
build on their knowledge of food by examining
healthy food choices during different meal times.
Students will complete simple reading and writing
activities, such as writing in their journal weekly or
completing occasional worksheets, to prepare them
for next term, during which they will be assessed
on all four strands (listening, speaking, reading,
and writing).



Give your child the opportunity to

excel in all areas of their academics,
including French J
Be sure that your child is getting


plenty of REST each night and is

ready for school each day
Teach your child to be


RESPONSIBLE for their actions

Helpful resources this month:

and to take PRIDE in what they do!

Grade 1, food and drink games under jeux et

prends soin de moi at

Stay INVOLVED! Make a point to


ask your child about their day and

Grade 1-3, food and drink, school day and telling

time, numbers, etc. games at

do not hesitate to contact me with

any questions or concerns.

As always, merci beaucoup for your ongoing (free vocabulary builder with free

app for iPhone and iPad)

support with regard to your childs learning.

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