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Spinal Relaxation Stretch

-This position comes after

core stretch
-Sit in between legs
-Bend at knees
-Relax arms and head on

Core Stretch
-Lay on stomach
-Lift torso off floor
-Arms shoulder width apart
-Keep chest up-right
-Hands beside hips

Hamstring Stretch
-While sitting, extend one leg in front
-Tuck other leg in beside extended leg
-Lean forward and reach until stretch
is felt then switch legs

Quad Stretch
-Hold onto stable object for balance
-Grasp ankle and pull behind
-Pull until stretch is felt on front side
of the leg, then switch legs.

Chest Stretch
-Stand beside wall, with
arm against it
-turn body away from wall,
then switch

Lateral Back Stretch

-Cross leg behind the
-Bend to side of crossed
leg while raising arm
overhead, then switch

Groin/ Hip Adductor Stretch

-while sitting bend at knees and have feet planted
-Lean forward and press elbows down into legs

Each stretch should be held for 10-30 seconds, and repeated 2-4
times. Stretches should be done 2-3 days per week and are most
effective when the muscle is warm. Guide by the American
College of Sports Medicine.
By: Matheo Florez

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