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Strategy Name

Exit Slips

Strategy # ___9____

Brief Description:
Exit slips are used to assess student learning at the end of a class period. They can
be used daily or only after new material has been taught. Students are required to
answer a question (or questions) or respond to a prompt. Exit tickets are great for
evaluating whether the students met their objective for the day, and it provides
them with more practice expressing their ideas in writing.

How you plan to use this strategy in your Practicum, Internship, Student
Teaching, or in your own classroom:
I intend to use exit tickets at least once a week. Especially at the end of a day when a
lot of new material has been presented, it is important to see where your students
stand. A lot of the content that is taught in chemistry builds on itself. If students
dont understand the composition of subatomic particles in atoms, they wont
understand atomic bonding. If students dont understand atomic bonding, they will
have difficulty understanding chemical reactions. Making sure that students have a
solid understanding of the material before moving on is essential.
Concluding a class with Are there any questions? or Does that make sense?
usually results in silence. Most students are uncomfortable admitting to the whole
class that they are lost. Exit tickets reveal student understanding to me alone.
Depending on the amount of students struggling with the concept, I may choose to
re-teach the concept to the entire class, or to pull a number of students to the side to
figure out what they are having trouble comprehending. Overall, exit tickets are a
great method for formative assessments.

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