CR Lesson Plan Revision

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T&L Instructional Plan Template

(edTPA Aligned)
The information included in this document is to support faculty in teaching about and supporting students with
the T&L (and edTPA) Instructional Plan. While there are many variations of lesson plans, this format meets
departmental requirements and is aligned with the 2014 edTPA as well.

Background Information (When doing the actual edTPA, leave out identifiers)
Teacher Candidate: Natalie Walker
Cooperating Teacher: Ann Beckley
School District: Marysville School District
University Supervisor: Cathy Hayes
Unit/Subject: Math- Sorting
Instructional Plan Title/Focus: M&M Sort

School: Marshall Elementary

Section 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment

a. Instructional Plan Purpose:
The purpose of this lesson is for students to sort M&Ms based on a common characteristic.
b. Alignment to State Learning Standards:
Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.
An ELL can participate in grade-appropriate oral and written exchanges of information, ideas,
and analyses, responding to peer, audience, or reader comments and questions.
c. Content Objectives:
SWBAT sort objects into groups using a common characteristic.
SWBAT count the number of objects in each group.
d. Language Objectives:
SWBAT identify colors with color words through reading.
e. Previous Learning Experiences:
The students have had some previous experiences with sorting. They have done one sorting activity
prior to this one. In the previous sorting activity students sorted gummy bears into color groups. The
teacher has also been sorting the students in different ways when it has been time to line up to go to
lunch or specialists, i.e, color of clothing, shoes with or without laces, hair color etc.
f. Planning for Student Learning Needs (accommodations, student experiences, prior learning and
As of right now there are no students with IEP in this classroom but accommodations will be made for
students as needed. If a student needs more time to complete their work they will be given more time
at the end of the day during center time. During this work time students can receive individualized
attention, help, and practice if they need it. There are several students who are easily distracted and
have a hard time following directions. These students will bring their work to the carpet to be closer to
the teacher while the teacher models under the document camera, if they are having a hard time

keeping up and following directions. These students will be able to be more closely monitored by the
teacher and kept on task.
f. Assessment Strategies
Content/Language Objectives
SWBAT sort objects into groups using a
common characteristic.

SWBAT count the number of objects in

each group.

SWBAT identify colors and color words.

Assessment Strategies
Formative: The teacher will ask the students to sort all of
their red M&Ms. While the students work the teacher
will roam around the room checking to see if any
students are struggling with sorting their red M&Ms into
a group. Anecdotal notes will be taken on students who
seem to be struggling.
Summative: The students will graph their sorted M&Ms
to visually represent the groups of M&Ms. These
graphing sheets will be collected.
Formative: The teacher will sort their example bag of
M&Ms into groups by color with each group will be
asked to count the number of M&Ms in that group and
show that number with their fingers. While students are
showing the number of M&Ms the teacher will looking
around the room to check if students are counting the
correct number of M&Ms. The teacher will be taking
anecdotal notes on students who seem to be struggling.
Summative: The students will graph their sorted M&Ms
to visually represent the number of M&Ms in each
group. The graphing sheets will be collected.
Formative: While coloring in the circles of the sorting
sheet the teacher will help the students read the color
word in the circle. For example, This color word starts
with the letter r. Does anyone know a color that starts
with the letter r? After a student has identified the
color word the teacher will ask students to find the
marker of that color. For example, Everyone find a red
marker. When you have found a red marker hold it in the
air above your head. While the students show the
teacher their markers, the teacher will be looking around
the room and checking to see if students can identify the
correct color. The teacher will be taking anecdotal notes
on students who seem to be struggling.
Summative: The students colored sorting sheets will be
collected. The students will have colored in the circles
with the color that correlates with the color word printed
in the circle.

g. Student Voice

K-12 students will be able to:

1. Explain student learning targets

and what is required to meet
them (including why they are
important to learn).

Student-based evidence to be
collected (things produced by
students: journals, exit slips, selfassessments, work samples,
projects, papers, etc.)
Students will draw in their journal.

2. Monitor their own learning

progress toward the learning
targets using the tools provided
(checklists, rubrics, etc.).

Students will use a checklist to

monitor their progress.

3. Explain how to access

resources and additional
support when needed (and
how/why those resources will
help them).

Students will be provided a list of

at home resources.

Description of how students

will reflect on their learning.

In their journals students

will draw their
representation of the days
learning targets, I can sort
and I can count the things I
The students will place a
happy, sad, or angry face
next to the picture that
represents the learning
targets to show how they
feel where they are in
reaching the targets.
The students with the help of
their family

Grouping of Students for Instruction

Students will be working individually at their table groups.

Section 2: Instruction and Engaging Students in Learning

1. Introduction:
To introduce the activity the teacher will remind the students of the gummy bear sorting activity they
week before by asking, What were we doing with those gummy bears? The students should be able to
answer Sorting. Ask the class to come up with what sorting means.
2. Learning Activities:
Questions that drive student thinking and learning:
1) What is sorting?
2) How can we sort?
3) What can sorting help us do?
4) How can we sort things that we see every day?
5) What can you sort in this room? How would you sort it?
a. Students will be at the carpet when asking these questions. While sitting in a circle facing
each other we will talk about the questions posed and allow students the opportunity to
respond to the questions.
Learning Activities:
1) Everyone washes their hands.

2) At the carpet, reintroduce sorting. What does it mean? How do we sort?

3) Decide as a group how we can sort our M&Ms. By size? Shape? Color?
4) Color code the M&M sort sheet. This is where to introduce the color words. Before coloring each
circle ask the students if anyone knows the color word.
5) Sort M&Ms. Students will use their scissors to cut open their bags of M&Ms. Unsorted M&Ms will
go in the blank circle. Students will put the M&M in the circle that appropriately matches the color
of the M&M.
6) Demonstrate the graphing of the M&Ms. Lay out each M&M in its own square according to the
appropriate column. Each square with an M&M in it is colored the color of the M&M.
7) Have the students graph their M&Ms. When students are done go around and check their work as
well as asking the closing questions.
8) Eat the M&Ms! But only after all the work is complete
9) Closing carpet. Ask for students observations about the sort.

Connections between students own lives, experiences, cultures, interests and the content.
Active learning over passive learning
Multiple means of access to the content for the K-12 students
Multiple means of expression of learning by the K-12 students
How the teacher candidate will assess the learning of the students (from table above)

3. Closure:
To close this lesson the teacher will be going around and meeting with students and ask them about
the graph that the students created for the M&Ms in their bag. During these individual conferences
the teacher will ask the students the following questions:
1) What is sorting?
2) What are ways we can sort?
After meeting with students individually there will be a closing carpet time. During this closing
carpet time students will share their observations of the sort. For example, which colors are most
common, which colors are the least common, etc.
To show students that we sort every day in our lives the teacher will point out when she is sorting
and encourages students to recognize what they are sorting and how they are sorting it.
4. Independent Practice:
For independent practice students could create a collection of some kind with their families. Their
collections should be representative of something that is important or represents their family. These
collections will be shared in class for students to explain their collection, why it is special to them and
their family, and how they sorted the things in their collection.
One example of a collection could be a collection of photographs of their families sorted by year, places,
or the people in the photographs.

5. Instructional Materials, Resources, and Technology

Document Camera
A bag of M&Ms for each student along with an example bag for modeling portions of the
M&M Sort Sheet
M&M graph sheet

6. Acknowledgements:
Instructional plan created by Ann Beckley and Natalie Walker

Monitoring Progress Checklist

I can sort:

I can count the things I sort:

At Home Sorting Resources

Hello Kindergarten Families!

We have been working on sorting in math recently. Your students are making great strides and would
love to show you what they can do! Below I have attached a few websites and apps with sorting activities and
games for you and your student to enjoy in your free time. Happy Sorting!
Preschool EduKidsRoom App

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