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4. Connecting the selected concentrations

5. Checking to see whether the network density is right and detours in the network are
acceptable; if not, adding (or removing) connections
The result of sub-steps 13 is illustrated in Figure 2.5 (based on a design of an I3 or national
road network for a province in The Netherlands).
Sub-steps 4 and 5 result in an ideal I3 network as depicted in Figure 2.6. It must be noted
that many other designs are possible; the network in Figure 2.6, however, is the one that
resulted for this region. This I3 (national) network formed the basis for the regional network
that was subsequently designed.
The process is less complicated for the collective network because the stops should be
as much in the center of the built-up area as possible.
Step 5: Assess Current Network. The ideal network will differ from the existing network
in several aspects:

The connections that have been included

The major traffic flows (which have implications for the layout of the interchanges of

Step 5 has been included to assess how much of the existing network meets the requirements set by the method. This is done by looking at the existing connections that would
most likely serve as a connection in the ideal network. The information gathered here can
be used in a later stage, when it must be decided which part of the ideal network is given
up in order to create a feasible network or to establish which parts of the network should
be adapted first.

Preparation for
the design of the
ideal I3 network

Level 1
Level 2


space for
I3 road
traffic flow

FIGURE 2.5 Sub-steps 13 in the design of the ideal network.

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