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Alishas Story

You ready? Angus asked his best friend Zico.

Grinning, Zico gave Angus a thumbs up. Even though he grinned, Angus could tell that he was nervous.
Silent as mice, they sprinted through the corridors, passed empty classes and ran down spiraling stairs to the
hall. So as not to make a sound, Angus slowly pushed open the grey, metal doors. They dashed to the far left
corner of the hall where the trapdoor, which they spotted a few days ago, lay hidden under a piano.
The both of them slid their heavy bags on to the floor and it landed with a thump, causing them to wince,
hoping that nobody heard the sound.
Placing his fists on his hips Angus said Okay, help me move this piano. He then went to one end whilst his
classmate walked to the other end. On the count of three, Zico pushed whilst Angus pulled. With a grunt, the
boys managed to shift the bulky instrument. Sweat was already beading their foreheads.
Staring up at the panting schoolmates was the steel trapdoor.
Well then. You got the torches? asked Zico. Since he did not own any flashlights, Angus had to bring twoone for himself and the other for his pal. Reaching his hand down into the bottom of his navy blue schoolbag,
he found the torches and tossed one to Zico. He caught it with no trouble (he was the best goalkeeper of their
schools football team therefore he was fantastic at catching).
Once the boys both had a shiny flashlight with them, they crouched down with their knees on the ground so it
would be simpler to pull open the trapdoor. Deciding that as it was Angus idea to check out what the door
was for, he would be the first one to enter; if they managed to unlock it.
Grabbing the round handle with his sweaty palms, Angus yanked it with all his strength however it didnt
budge. He frowned. Trying another time, he discovered that it was locked. Frustrated, he slapped his forehead
that was damp from perspiration. Zico puckered his lips as if hed eaten a slice of lemon.
Slumping against his bag and crossing his arms, Angus exclaimed Its locked! How in the world could I have
not thought about keys?
Zico shot a glare at Angus. Ssshhh. Someone could hear us, he whispered with a sharp tone in his voice. Both
fixed their vision on the keyhole, racking their brains for a way they could unlock it. There was a silence, save
for Angus few sighs, for about five minutes.
Zicos chocolate eyes lit up. Ive got it. You know how you see people using a pin on TV?
Yeah Angus was skeptical that you could use a pin.
Digging through his pockets, he found a silver bobby pin which belonged to his older sister, Luana, who was
fourteen however she didnt go to a proper school, she was homeschooled.
Angus raised an eyebrow. Why do you have a bobby pin?
I honestly have no idea.
Biting his bottom lip, Zico pushed the pin into the hole. He twisted it. There was a click. Glancing at Angus, he
then faced the door again and pulled the door up. Amazingly, it opened.

Whoa, they gasped in synchronization.

Pressing the oval button on the torch to switch it on, Angus crawled to the edge of the yawning pit cautiously
and shone the light at it yet he could see nothing apart from a rusty ladder on the left wall. He gulped.
Crawling to the side where the ladder was, Zico moved out of the way to let him enter.
Good luck, Zico wished Angus, with an unsure smile.
This doesnt seem like a good plan anymore, thought Angus, as he swung his right leg onto the first rung of
the ladder. A boy waking up after a nap, the ladder groaned with his weight (he was 41kg). Slowly and warily,
he descended into the unknown
Hopping off the ladder, dust billowed around his ankles. No one must have been here for a long time. After he
took the flashlight out of his mouth, he wiped the saliva off the bottom with the hem of his coal-black sweater
and surveyed the surroundings. What he discovered was that he was in a round room, the walls, with water
trickling down them, made of bricks. Not long after, Zico entered the bare room.
What the Zico muttered. How can there be not a thing here? It doesnt make any sense.
Dont tell me weve came all this way for nothing.
Cmon. LetsI dont knowrun our hands along the walls to see if we can find something.
Angus headed to the right side of the chamber although he believed that he wouldnt find anything. Running
his hands along the bricks, he gazed down at his feet so that he would be able to look at two places at once.
A few minutes passed as the children searched the room. They were certain that there was nothing here until
Zico pointed his torch at the floor where his best friends toes were.
A peculiar, miniscule looking object protruded from the ground. First asking Angus to move back, he then
squatted and squinted his eyes at it.
Ive found something! Zico announced proudly.
There, was a legless dragon, spreading its magnificent wings out to its sides, in the middle of a circle, where a
petal shape sprouted out from the top. It seemed to be some kind of emblem. He used his pointer finger to
gently tap it.
Suddenly, a thunderous boom erupted out of nowhere. The youngsters stared at the wall just a few
centimeters away from them. The rough bricks were beginning to move apart from each other till there was
an opening large enough for a car to be able to drive through. Letting out a breath they did not realise they
were holding, the kids stepped into the recently-revealed chamber.
Situated in the center of the (new) room, was a glistening slab of some kind of stone which appeared to be
marble nonetheless the two of them knew it wasnt for a soft purple, teal and sky blue force field encased it
like a caterpillar in its snug cocoon.
But that was not the only thing.
Peacefully lying on the stone was a freckled-face girl with fiery red hair spreading around her head like a fan
and her pale hands were clasping a dagger slightly longer than a pencil. But she was no ordinary human.
Golden scales, that Angus and Zico felt like they belonged to a reptile- a dragon to be specific, were scattered
across her face, arms and legs. And instead of a nose, she had two slits.

If you peeked closely enough, you could see that her chest was falling and rising as she breathed. She was not
dead, although not alive either. Slow as a snail, Angus fingers reached out to the shivering force field.
Abruptly, the girl shot up, instantly shattering (similar to breaking glass) the barrier between the boys and her.
Stumbling back, they gasped. Her eyes opened. It was the strangest colour the friends had ever seen in their
entire life- the shade of ripe green grapes.
Like a cheetah chasing after its vulnerable prey, the girl raced to a bare spot in front of them. What do you
want? she wheezed. You could tell that she was attempting to hiss because of her furious tone. She growled
at them, baring her teeth that were all razor-sharp canines. Her grip on the dagger tightened, turning her
knuckles white.
The comrades raised up their hands, showing their palms to the reptilian girl. We swear we wont hurt you.
Were friends! Angus spluttered. In agreement, Zico nodded his head vigorously.
How can I trust you? she questioned.
Pleasejust dont-hurt-us. Okay? Zico pleaded. Im Zico and this, nodding towards his left, is Angus.
Lowering her weapon she mumbled something incomprehensible.
My names Ryoko.
Nice to meet youRyoko, Angus said.
How did you get here? Ryoko asked. No one except Papas been here.
Your Papa? Who is he? Zico tilted his head.
His name is Garrick Hunter. I think hes the principal of a school. LakesideVilleOh I dont know! Lake
something Primary School.
Lakewood Primary School! Thats the school we attend! Actually, were below it right this moment, they
All at once, she collapsed on the floor, hugged her knees to her chest and burst into tears. Now that her back
was bent, they saw that she had curved spines that ran down from her crown to her tailbone. How did they
not realise that earlier?
The truth hit them like a tsunami. Ryoko was transforming into a dragon. Just to confirm their speculation,
Angus asked her with his calmest voice. The answer was in between sobs. Yes-I-am! Thats why-Im all-alonehere! Beginning to wail harder, Zico checked the time using his Swatch. The screen read: 5:20 p.m.
Uh Ryoko? Im so so so sorry but we have to leave because its getting late. Well come back tomorrow. Dont
Wiping her teary eyes, she stared up at them; they could feel her bright emerald eyes penetrating them.
Promise, the boys stated with a firm nod.
Climbing back up the rungs, they peered back just before they reached the top. If they told this to anyone,
anyone save for Mr. Hunter, not a single soul would believe them.

Before leaving they closed the trapdoor however they did not lock it because if Ryoko wanted to come out,
she would be able to. Tossing their bags over their shoulders, they made their way out of the hall. Someone
stood in front of them hence they halted. It was Mr. Johnson, one of the schools twenty janitors. What are
you boys doing here?
Mr. Johnson let go of their collars in the principals office and they landed on all fours. Angus Connor? Zico
Davids? What are you still doing in school at this time?
I found these brats in the hall sir.
Over the top of his wooden desk, which was covered in papers like icing on a cake, he peered at them. Thank
you Mr. Johnson for bringing them here. Could you be as kind as to leave us alone now? The smug expression
on his leathery face instantly evaporated when he was asked to leave. The classmates knew he wanted to see
them punished and struggled to contain their laughter.
The swivel chair raised since Mr. Hunter got off to stretch and sat back down again. So, boys, what were you
doing in the hall hmm?
We found Ryoko! Angus blurted out without thinking.
The principals grey eyes clouded and at that moment they knew for sure that Ryoko wasnt lying. When he
blinked, a lone tear ventured out and rolled down his cheek. Ryoko. Shes turning into a dragon. The reason
why I put her there was so that nobody would see her.
Zico and Angus scowled. Well you shouldnt have. Shes lonely. From what weve seen I bet you probably
havent visited her a lot. And if you have, you havent given her much, Zico said.
No! I only kept her on that stone- Dondurucu is because it slows down the process of her transformation. I
dont want my little girl to be a dragon.
Well shes going to have to be a dragon no matter what. And when she does, youll find out that you havent
spent any time with her. Which would you prefer: slowing down the process but not spending any time with
her or Ryoko becoming a dragon faster but making moments that will last forever in your memory? Angus
Making moments. A smile spread on his face like butter while thought about Ryoko. Ill bring her out of that
stupid room.
With that statement, everyone in the room felt happier and it seemed that even the world felt that too for
they heard birds whistling a sweet tune.
Approximately ten months had passed and as the boys were on their way to school, they saw a sparkling
amber and scarlet blur darting through the clouds.

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