What To Avoid in A Job Interview

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What to avoid in a job

Divya Nair

We know, you've worked really hard to earn this

Presenting a list of things you must steer clear from just
so that you don't ruin your prospects.

Cracking a prospective job interview is perhaps the most crucial

stage in any professional's career.
No matter how much you prepare for the D-day, there are times,
when seemingly casual actions can work against you and ruin
your chances.
Before you know it, your candidature is disqualified.
We spoke to a few head-hunters and hiring experts to find out
what are the things that can lead to your immediate rejection in a
job interview and how to overcome it.

Show influence
It is very common of people to say innocent things like "Do you
know 'X'?"
"Whether or not X works in the company you applied for, the
hiring manager will hold it against you," warns says Capt Partha
Samai, group head of Human Resources at AGS Transact
Are you trying to show off your influence even before you're
"Unless someone you know in the organisation helped you fix an
appointment and you were asked about your relationship with
him/her, avoid volunteering such information in the interview,"
adds Capt Samai.
Even seemingly harmless things like "I'm the best in the market"
"I have a good reputation with" or "I have extremely good
connections with" can work against you.
You might think you're merely stating your people skills, but for
the hiring manager you're clearly being pushy, adds Capt Samai.
Do not share too much intra-and inter-personal information with
the hiring manager.
Instead, focus on your achievements and skills, he says.
"Talk about the innovations you brought in your last job, how you
impacted growth and improved sales and share examples of how

you managed your team and lead a project under a tough

"To avoid making it sound like a monologue of your personal
achievements, wherever possible, use words like 'my team', 'our
project' which will portray you as a team player. It is important
that you choose your words smartly," advises Samai.
Sharing too much about your personal life
Does the interviewer really want to know about your family, or
what your grandfather did for a living?
Unless asked, avoid sharing unnecessary details about your
personal life, warns Tavleen Singh, HR-recruitment, Manpower
"If the information is important, the hiring manager will ask you
pointed questions like: 'So what does your father do?'
"Unless asked for, do not volunteer sharing such information,"
she says.
Also watch out for signs of disinterest from the employer -- "If the
information youre sharing is not of interest, the employer will try
and interrupt you from time to time, treat it as a warning sign."
Checking your phone
Another common mistake candidates make is forgetting to put
their phones on 'silent' during the interview.
"It is disrespectful of the candidate to answer a phone call or reply
to a text message while s/he is being interviewed.

"You must respect the interviewers time and follow basic

protocol while youre in the interview room," says Sumer Awasthi,
recruiting manager, PeopleCorps Services, a Mumbai-based
consulting firm.
Asking trivial questions
"Can I come late and leave early?"
"Does the office pay for coffee/tea?"
"How many paid leaves am I entitled to?"
While these may seem as trivial questions, Awasthi feels that
asking them in the first meeting can almost seal your fate -- and
you may just end up losing the job.
"The questions you ask in an interview pretty much decides what
really matters to you. Avoid discussing remuneration, perks and
benefits in the first meeting. Instead discuss goals,
responsibilities and opportunities for growth," he suggests.
The hiring manager is more likely to hire a person who is honest,
is an earnest learner and has personal goals that align with the
company's, sums Tavleen Singh.
Photo: Western Connecticut State University Peggy
Stewart/Creative Commons

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