Comparing Whole Numbers: Words and Symbols

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Comparing whole numbers

Words and symbols

Numbers in ascending order go up.

They are arranged from smallest to largest eg 20, 45, 73.

Numbers in descending order go down.

They are arranged from largest to smallest eg 73, 45, 20.

The symbol < means is less than eg 5 < 20.

The symbol > means is greater than eg 10 > 3.
Access these symbols on the keys on the bottom row of your keyboard.

Each symbol is at the top of the key so remember to press the shift key.

Which is bigger?
The number of digits in a whole number can indicate the size of the number.

When numbers have the same number of digits, compare them starting at the left (the biggest place).


to arrange digits to form large and small numbers or to compare numbers.


to play a digit card game.


for digit cards 0 to 9.

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