Project Proposal 14 - 15 Raisa 10a

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Project title

2014 - 2015



of endangered b irds o f Indonesia

in motion


Duration of Project

Around 7 months

Goal: Formulate a statement that clearly shows your goal, based on your personal interests
To promote environmental awareness about the dangers and difficulties the Indonesian birds are
facing through a short animation using digital and watercolor as a the chosen medium.
What is the purpose of the goal? What do you hope to achieve?

What I hope to achieve is to promote environmental awareness, improving my creativity skills and
explore m hidden talents and
Global context: Identify the global context

I would like to use cultural expressions for my global context

Identify which part of the
global context you will focus
Explain why you have chosen it, justifying the relevance of your
The reason I choose this as my global context is because I believe
that I am trying to express myself as an amateur artist through the
Cultural expression
creation of this animation.
Product/outcome : What product/outcome will you create in response to the goal, global context and
criteria ?

The product that I will make is a short animation about an endangered bird species (Storm
Stork) in located in Hutan Harapan, Sumatra, Indonesia. The animation will be a fictional
story that will moves the audiences heart and raise their awareness.
A short Animation
Criteria : Which criteria will ensure my product /outcome is of excellent quality? How will I evaluate
The criteria that will ensure my product would be that at least 15 people of all ages from different
backgrounds (come to watch my animation and for them to hopefully spread the word regarding
the dangers our avian species are facing.

Research: What do
you have to
research? Be
specific and list
how you will collect



Research would mostly be done I could conduct a survey to the

on the internet but there are
organization that helps the endangered

all the information

you need.

few painting tutorial books that birds and see if there is a possibility this
I could reference on. Articles
project can to some extent help achieve
from newspapers and
their goal.
magazines are also possible
I would interview professional
animators or artists to ask for
tips on making animation. I
would also interview

Observations & experiences

I can observe how others animate from
the internet or I could watch examples of
sort animations to give me some ideas
and insights.

Process Journal: How will you record the significant findings and development of the process?
Specify type of format
My process journal would be a digital journal on computer that I would type on to record my
significant findings and to record my progress.
Report: How will you report it? Written/digital format/mixed media/oral presentation
I will write my report in a digital format using word document.

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