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Basic Structures Used in Wish Clauses


main clause

A wish about
the future
A wish about
the present
A wish about
the past

would + verb1

Subject + wish


1.What a beautiful view! I wish I (bring) ___ my
camera with me.
2.If only Mr. Blake (not, interrupt) ___ the speaker
all the time, the presentation would have been
hadnt interrupted
3.I quite like this flat, but I wish the people above
us (not, be) ___ so noisy.

4.If only I (have) ___ better eyesight.I cant read

anything now without my glasses.

5.I really wish you (stop) ___ whistling.Its getting

on my nerves.
Would stop

6.I wish you (can, be) ___ at the party last

night.You really enjoyed yourself.
Could have been

7.I wish you (can, see) ___ the look on my

husbands face yesterday when he saw the colour
I had painted the living room.
Could have seen

1.Everybody would have drowned if the boat ---- the quayside
when it sank.
A) must not have approached
B) didn't approach
C hadn't been approaching
D) hasn't approached
E) wouldn't be approaching
2.My brother is sitting by the telephone wishing his girlfriend --- him.
A) calls
B) has called
C) will call
D would call
E) is calling

3.I know Sibel wishes she ---- the horses with her friends, but she is
too young.
A could ride
B) would ride
C) will be riding
D) would have ridden
E) has ridden

4.One day I ---- to visit my cousin in Australia if I can get three weeks off
A) have liked
B) had liked
C would like
D) liked
E) were to like

5.Later on today, I____ a cake for tea if we____ all of the necessary
ingredients , of course.
A) would bake/were having
B) will bake/have
C) could have baked/had
D) will have baked/have had
E) were to have baked/would have
6.If people ---- any opium-related drug often enough, they ---- physically
dependent, or addicted, to the drug.
A take/become
B) took/became
C) would take/had become
D) were taking/may become
E) are taking/have become
Answers: 1C-2D-3A-4C-5B-6A

The End

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