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Homework 2

EE 831
Advanced DSP
October 23, 2014
This homework is due on Tuesday, 28th Octber before midnight. You are welcome to
send me a soft copy of your assignment at before the deadline.
Alternatively, you can give me the assignment in class on Friday or slide it under the door
of my office (Room 125 PG building). You can consult one another for this assignment, but
copying from one another is not allowed.


Question 1. Determine the Fourier series representation for each of the signals below. Give
your answer by specifying: (i) the fundamental frequency f0 (in Hertz) and (ii) a table listing
all of the nonzero Fourier series coefficients ak :
a. x1 (t) = sin2 (0.5t).
b. x2 (t) = cos(t) cos(440t).
c. x3 (t) = sin(1.6t) + sin(1.8t).
Question 2. Consider the periodic 25%-duty-cycle square wave s(t) shown in figure 1:

Figure 1: Signal s(t)

a. What is the fundamental frequency f0 (in Hz)?
b. Find the DC component of the signal.
c. Find an equation for the k-th coefficient ak .
Question 3. Do problem 3.22 of Signals and Systems, Oppenheim and Willsky, Second
Question 4. Do problem 3.25 of Signals and Systems, Oppenheim and Willsky, Second

Question 5. Do problem 4.25 of Signals and Systems, Oppenheim and Willsky, Second
Question 6. Suppose that a discrete-time signal x[n] is given by the formula
x[n] = 4cos(0.6n + 5/7)
If the sampling rate of the C-D converter is fs = 90 samples/second, many different continuoustime signals could have been inputs to the above system. Determine two such inputs with frequency between 360 and 450 Hz; i.e. find x1 (t) = A1 cos(w1 t+1 ) and x2 (t) = A2 cos(w2 t+2 )
such that x[n] = x1 (nTs ) = x2 (nTs ) if Ts = 1/90 seconds.
Question 7. Suppose the sinusoid x(t) = cos(6000t + /4) is input to a continuous-todiscrete converter with sampling frequency fs .
a. Find an fs that would result in x[n] = cos(0.5n + /4).
b. Find an fs that would result in x[n] = cos(0.25n + /4).

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