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BTEC 2012

Unit 1 The Online World

Name: liam fuller

Lesson 3 - Online Communication

(Student Book A Pg 10 - 13)

Starter What is an online community?

It is where you have a social life online.
1. Match the following information exchanges to their correct descriptions.

Web logs




These are sites which allow users to create and

exchange really short text entries. A popular example
of this type of site is Twitter.
These are websites that provide information that
visitors to the site can extend and edit. They allow
users to share information and are useful for
research. The best-known example of a wiki is
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that can be
updated by contributors.
These are frequently updated online journals with
diary-like entries which allow people to express their
thoughts and feelings and give details of their daily
activities. Typically, a blog includes text, photos and
sometimes video.
Online communication within communities is
sometimes referred to as chat. Some of the large
interactive communities where people take part in the
same conversation or type of chat at the same time
are known as chartrooms.

2. Research and write a short description for each of the following key terms:

Electronic mail (e-mail)

You have and email address and you can mail some one but its is not like instant
Instant messaging (chat)
Instant messaging is a instant massage to other people like friends
News group is like a topic and people can comment on it what ever they want.
Social networking
Social networking is like a network site and you can talk to people via instant
messaging services.


BTEC 2012
Unit 1 The Online World

Name: liam fuller



Blogs are like you are writing what you are doing and stuff online like twitter and people
can see it.
Vlogs / Podcast
You record your self what you do on days and people can see what you are doing
and it is normally on YouTube.

3. From discovering various online communications that are used online, what do
you use?

4. What are the implications of online communication? Think about the positive
and negative aspects.
Positive: that you can have a online convocation online with other people.
Negative: that you can meet bad people online and stuff.
5. What does VoIP stand for?
Voice over internet protocol
6. What does VoIP do?

allows you to take a standard analog telephone signal and turn it into a digital signal
that is transmitted over the Internet
7. What are the limitations of VoIP?
Not all VOIP services offer full integration with the current Enhanced 911 (or E-911) service


BTEC 2012
Unit 1 The Online World

Name: liam fuller

8. What are the benefits of VoIP?

Lower call costs, Regain control of your telephone system

1. Give a example of social media used online?
Blogs are great for learning from

2. What does netiquette mean?

the correct or acceptable way of using the Internet.


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