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BTEC 2012

Unit 1 The Online World

Name: liam fuller

Lesson 10 Data Exchange 2

(Student Book B Pg 14 - 16)

Starter Explain the different between simplex, half duplex and duplex communications
Duplex allows a communication in either direction any time. Half duplex only allows communication in
one direction at a time and you can switch direction either way not both. Simplex only allows one
direction and cannot switch.
1. Explain what serial and parallel transmissions are.



Serial communication is the process of

sending data one bit at a time, sequentially,
over a communication channel or computer
bus. This is in contrast to parallel
communication, where several bits are sent
as a whole, on a link with several parallel

Parallel communication is a method of

conveying multiple binary digits (bits)

2. What is bi-directional transmission?

Client side processing is the use of a scripting language to create code on web pages which provide
interactivity. An example of this is a rollover action this is where some code is triggered when your mouse
is moved over a particular part of the web page.
3. What are the benefits of client side processing?
The advantage of client side is that the web server is able to process the request of clients quickly
because the server is nota burdened with the over head processing scripts.
4. What are the disadvantages of client side processing? Disadvantages of client side s that
contents of web pages displayed to different users may be different.
Server-side processing involves the use of scripts which reside and are run on another
computer on the internet (the web server). Information is submitted to a server which processes
it to provide results in the form of a web page. A good example of server-side processing is the
submission of a search through a search engine. The search engine matches the word or
phrase against an index of website content on the web server using scripts


BTEC 2012
Unit 1 The Online World

Name: liam fuller

5. What are the benefits of server side processing? It does not require the user to download
plugins like Java or Flash. You can create a single website template for the entire website.
6. What are the disadvantages of server side processing?
7. Explain what USB is and what it is commonly used for.

USB allows data to be transferred between devices

Plenary Explain the differences between client and server side processing.


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