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BTEC 2012

Unit 1 The Online World

Name: Matt Hardy

Lesson 7 Worldwide Web

(Student Book B Pg 4 - 7)

Starter Who developed the Worldwide Web? and in what year?

Robert Cailliau, Tim Berners-Lee. 1989.
1. What is the WWW?
an information system on the Internet which allows documents to be connected to other documents by
hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another

2. How is the Internet different from the WWW?

The Web is newer than the Internet. It is a set-up of information along with network software that is used
to access it. A web page can be seen simply as a document that holds data or pointers (references) to
data. In this case, data can be text, images, graphics, and programs.
3. What does HTML stand for?
Hypertext markup language
4. Name three example HTML tags and explain why they come in pairs.

URL Uniform Resource Locator

Protocol: Hypertext
Transfer Protocol

Domain name

4. Name the following URL parts for the following link.


BTEC 2012
Unit 1 The Online World

Name: Matt Hardy

5. Name the following sections highlighted below.

1 what you searched on the search bar
2 ads related to what you searched
3 ads



Plenary What does HTML and URL stand for?

HTML - hypertext markup language
URL Uniform resource locater


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