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UIC-TIE Advanced Pronunciation - Fall 2014

Speaking: Initial Assessment (September 2104)
Key Focus Areas

Word Stress Good and consistent syllable stress

Phrases & Sentences

Speech Rhythm Distinguishing thought groups, emphasizing content and focus words, and intonation is

generally stronger in speaking than in reading; when seeking to express new concept, the
Focus Words word-by-word pattern reasserts itself (replacing thought group distinctions and focus and
content word stress).
Thought Groups Key focus area:
Intonation Consistent application of stress on content words/unstress on function words, stress on
focus words, delineation of thought groups, and intonation principles.
(Stress & Unstress)

Key focus areas:

Ensuring final consonant sounds in words are pronounced.
Examples: final /s/ sound (computer science); final /z/ sound (is): final /k/ sound (attack,
Final Sounds Oak, post doc); final /t/ sound (prevent); final /b/ sound (web).
Ensuring especially that final sounds that signal tense or number are pronounced.
Examples: My wife take care of that (takes); three year (years).
Pronouncing the final /z/ sound that is critical to meaning for two basic word forms: was,


Key focus areas:

Clearly articulating th sounds and not substituting /t/ or /d/.
Examples: Thursday, three, thousand
Not replacing // with /s/, especially beginning words.
Consonants Example: she (not see).
Distinguishing /r/ from /l/, especially in the middle of words. Example: currently.
Not dropping the /z/ sound or replacing it with another sound.
Example: used; exercise.
Ensuring that /v/ is not pronounced as /w/.
Example: very werry.
Pronouncing all appropriate sounds in consonant combinations and consonant blends
Example: six = siks.
Key focus areas:
Do no replace /e/ with //. Example: takes techs.
Vowels Do not replace // with /i/. Example: chip cheep.
// in an often-used word should not be pronounced like /e/.
Example: says should not rhyme with days; it should be pronounced like sez with the
same vowel sound as in pet.

UIC-TIE Advanced Pronunciation - Fall 2014

Listening: Initial Assessment (September 2014)


*Number of Syllables

Word Stress
*Word Stress

Phrases & Sentences

*Thought groups

Thought Groups
*Focus words (contrast)

Focus Words

*Focus words (emphasis)

*Hearing important endings

Final Sounds & Linking

*Hearing missing sounds

*Reduced speech

Speech Rhythm

*Phrases (stress)

*Intonation (finished/not)


*Intonation (same/opposite)
*Intonation (questions)

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