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ber. Ideally, it is recommended to do at least 12 rounds per day.

Here are some of the health benefits of Surya Namaskar.

1. Good for Your Muscles and Joints: Surya Namaskar is good for the joints as well as the
muscles. It is especially good for shoulder, neck and leg muscles. When done correctly, it also
improves posture and balance. Plus, it improves flexibility in the spine and limbs, and can also
help increase height.
2. Improves Digestion: The sequence of yoga postures in Surya Namaskar is good for the
digestive system. It helps increase blood flow to the digestive tract and stimulate intestinal action
for smooth digestion as well as elimination. Plus, it can help get rid of constipation and

5. Treats Insomnia: This yoga exercise can be of great help to cope with insomnia and other
sleep-related disorders. The unique combination of relaxing physical exercises and breathing
techniques helps calm the mind as well as the body. This in turn helps promote sound sleep
and increase sleep efficiency as well as total sleep time.
4. Controls Diabetes: Surya Namaskar is also beneficial for those who suffer from diabetes.
Some of the yoga postures help stimulate the pancreas by exerting pressure on it as well as
improve the production and use of insulin. Plus, it improves blood flow throughout the body.
5. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: As Surya Namaskar helps reduce tension buildup and promotes
relaxation of the whole body, it is considered very effective for people suffering from stress,
anxiety and even depression.
It helps reduce the stress hormone known as cortisol, which can make one feel stressed and
depressed. Plus, it increases the production of feel good neurotransmitters like serotonin.
6. Regulates Menstrual Cycles: If you suffer from irregular menstrual cycles, Surya Namaskar can help
correct it. It helps control the pituitary and adrenal glands, which in turn ensure regularity of the
menstrual cycle and reduce pain during menstruation.
7. Prevents Hair Loss: As Surya Namaskar boosts blood circulation to the scalp, it helps prevent hair loss
and even improves the hair growth rate. It also helps combat gray hair and dandruff.

8. Aids Weight Loss: Regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps burn extra calories. In fact, as
some of the postures stretch the abdominal muscles, it can be very effective in reducing
excessive belly fat and maintaining a flat stomach.
9. Keeps Skin Healthy: If you want to add a glow to your face and keep your skin radiant and
ageless, start practicing Surya Namaskar. It is considered a natural solution to prevent onset of
wrinkles and keep your skin free from pimples, acne and other skin problems.
10. Helps with Detoxification: During Surya Namaskar, you go through active inhalation and
exhalation processes. This means the lungs are thoroughly ventilated and the blood remains
oxygenated. This also helps the bodys normal detoxifying process. A well detoxified body
remains healthy.
To enjoy these as well as many other health benefits of Surya Namaskar, it is important to
perform it early in the morning and in an open, outdoor area. This way your body also benefits
from the early morning fresh air and sunrays, which are an excellent source of vitamin D. Also, it
is recommended to practice these yoga postures on an empty stomach.
Several poses that have been found to be especially effective for diabetes include:

Dhanurasana (bow pose)

Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend)

Padangusthansana (head to toe pose)

Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
Ardha-matsyendrasana (spinal twist)
Halasana (plough pose)
Yoga mudrasana (yogic symbol pose)
Supta Vajrasana (sitting pose of firmness)
Chakrasana (wheel pose)
Shalabhasana (grasshopper pose)

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