HSB 4ui Independent Study Unit

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Independent Study Unit

For your I.S.U you are required to write a 6-7page essay and do a 15-20
minute presentation. Choose a social issue in which you can show change
that has occurred and the consequences of that change. The idea is similar to
that of the Social Change Assignment but with lots of research Check the
topic with Ms. Kraft before researching.
A// Essay Requirements
Information Content
What was it like before the change? Laws, Attitudes, Statistics? Focus
mostly in the last 100 years.
What factors caused the change and/or push for change? People,
Organizations, Events?
What resistance was there to the change? Attitudes,
People/Organizations, Traditions?
Describe the change that occurred. Attitudes, Laws, Customs, Statistics?
Get up to current date!!!!! Dont stop because you hit 6 pages. I
expect all key events up to last month will be included.
What were/are the consequences of the change? As a society, group,
individual? (From an Anthropological, Sociological and Psychological
perspective) Should be your last page.
Use statistics and studies to support your information. Make sure
you back up your claims with evidence!
B//Format etc.
Organize your paper chronologically.
Paper must be typed 12 pt times new roman, double spaced.
You must footnote/endnote your information Chicago Style stats,
quotes, findings of studies, opinionsI will not consider a paper
submitted without them and your turn it in submission. You
should have at least 12 citations because you are backing up your paper
with stats, studies and quotes.
You must have a works cited sheet minimum 8 in depth, quality
resouces. Wikipedia only counts as one even if you use it multiple times.
I will not consider a paper without this submitted.
You must make sure your sources are legitimate ie) bias, someones
ramblings, depth (several pages), professional studies are good.
Summarizing one source is NOT research! All parts of your paper must
reflect the bringing together of findings from several sources.
You must have a title sheet name, teacher, course, date, school

You will be marked for style/organization, grammar and spelling. EDIT


Due Date :
B// Presentation Requirements
Information Content you must hit the same key areas your paper
requires. You may stress areas that are most interesting.
15-20 minutes at 25 I will cut you off.
You must use a variety of presentation techniques minimum
3. You will only be given full marks for these if they are effective
teaching tools. They must teach or reinforce key information.
Examples: video clip (must make sure it works), music clip, power
point, activity, reading, role play, overhead, use of board
You will be marked on effort and polish. Use cue cards for
talking points. Do NOT read your presentation.
You will be marked on creativity in getting your ideas across
You may use any of the media available in the room but must make
sure everything works well in advance. If it doesnt work you
dont get to postpone to the next day. You must present and
take zero for that element. Ie) prezi or video (Dont use Mac)
If you have a game or activity it must reinforce key ideas, be
prepared ahead of time and fit within your time limit.
You must make your own handouts and copies if you want a
If you are absent you must call me or email me before 8
(carissa_kraft@wrdsb.on.ca) Remember I have to plan to fill
your time. If notice isnt given a deduction will be taken. Even
if valid. Just like not showing up for work without calling in.
You must be prepared to present the first day back from absence.
Any presentations not done end of presentation schedule will be
done for the teacher but will be limited for not communicating
ideas and knowledge to the class.
There will be pop quizzes on the presentations on unspecified days so
you MUST be present in order to have the information.

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