Industrial Revolution Study

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C+F Blocks Industrial Revolution Test Question Brainstorm

These are the questions you brainstormed together as a class. This does not necessarily
reflect all of the questions of the test, but if I put them in the first category, you should
definitely devote some study time to them.
1. Questions you came up with that will most likely be on the test:
- Where the IR started and what industry?
o Why did it start in Britain?
- Impact of the new technology?
- What changes resulted from the IR?
- Factory System:
o How did the way people worked change?
Factory system vs. Cottage industry?
o What were the dangers of the factory system?
o Why were children used for work?
o How did government intervene in factories?
How did factory laws change the factory system?
What was the Sadler Report?
- How did urbanization change society and what were some of its problems?
- Social Structure:
o Social structure before and after?
o How did the lives of women change?
How/why did feminism start? Who were important figures in
this movement?
- Economic Systems:
o Difference between economic systems?
o What are the three laws of capitalism?
- Communism:
o Who are Marx and Engles?
o How did the factory system/IR lead to communism?
o Goals of communism?
o Why didnt communism catch on?
- Differences between first and second?
o What new products came about in the 2nd IR?
- What is Mass Society?
o Why did Mass society occur and what were the results of Mass
2. Questions you came up with that will maybe be on the test:
- What was life like before and after?
- What was cottage industry?
- Why was coal necessary?
- How did entrepreneurs affect the Industrial Revolution?
- What were positive arguments for child labor?
- Who were the new bourgeoisie and proletariat?

Goals of the proletariat?

Why did utopian societies fail?
Who were the Luddites?
Explain the rise of unions?
What was dictatorship of the proletariat?
What replaced iron in the 2nd Industrial Revolution?
Average working hours?
Why did the gov. start providing public education?
Explain rise of consumerism?
Romanticism and realism?

3. Question you came up with that will not be on the test:

- Order of inventions and names of inventors (other than Watt)
- What were leisure activities?

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