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How-to Guide for Exercise SAP HANA Studio (Week 2,

Unit 8)

Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Background ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
SAP HANA Studio Installation (in Eclipse) ................................................................................................... 3
OPTIONAL Only relevant if you have installed HANA Studio locally. ................................................... 14

The SAP HANA Studio is an Eclipse Integrated Development Environemtn (IDE). It enables technical users
to manage the SAP HANA database, to create and manage user authorizations, and to create new or modify
existing models of data in the SAP HANA database as well as execute Application Livecycle Management
activities. It is a client tool, which can be used to access local or remote SAP HANA databases.
The SAP Fiori UX instance we are using for the Introduction to openSAP Fiori UX course is a fully configured
instance, so we already have the SAP HANA Studio downloaded. The studio is accessible by choosing the
Eclipse icon on your desktop.

This exercise should take about an hour; if you choose to explore the documentation in the studio then it
could be longer.
SCN has an SAP HANA Developer Center that you can access using the link below:
The SCN page is a huge resource where you can collaborate, ask questions, and learn more about SAP
HANA. In addition, there are developer edition tools you can download directly from the site. In this exercise,
we will walk you through the steps to download an SAP HANA Studio. You have the option to do this in your
remote desktop instance or you can download this to your local machine.


1. Got to
choose Download next to the HANA Studio Installation (in Eclipse)

2. This will take you to the SAP Development Tools for Eclipse page

The procedure for installing SAP HANA Tools is detailed on the bottom of the page under
Procedure. We will follow these steps using the SAP recommended approach. Choose Eclipse

3. Choose Eclipse Standard 4.4

5. Choose tha approriate download link, if youre doing this in the remote desktop connection choose
Windows 64-bit

6. Donwload from the link provided

Note: expect the download link to be different from the image below

7. Eclipse will be downloaded, this will take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour to download. Please

8. Open the zip file that was downloaded and double click the eclipse folder
It is also suggested that you extract this zip to your desktop (or a location of your choice).

9. Open the eclipse.exe application

This will take a few minutes.

10. You will be asked to select a workspace, keep the default selection and choose OK

11. Eclipse will be empty. Choose Help Install New Software

12. Depending on whether you downloaded Eclipse Luna or Eclipse Kepler enter the appropriate URL
into the Work With: field, then choose Add
Eclipse Luna (4.4):
Eclipse Kepler (4.3)

13. You will be asked to enter a Repository name, enter a name of your choice and choose OK

14. Select SAP HANA Tools and choose Next

15. Choose Next


16. Read and accept the license agreement and choose Finish

17. Your software will install


18. You may receive a security warning, if so accept. Next you will receive a message saying to restart
eclipse, choose Yes

19. Eclipse will restart and again ask you to select a workspace, choose OK
Additionally, you can select the check box to always use the default and not be asked again


20. You will be presented with an Overview page feel free to read about the different areas or access
some tutorials. Choose Open Administrative Console

21. You will need to add a backend system in order to see any data. Because we already have a
configured HANA system in our instance, you dont need to do this part. If youre deploying SAP
HANA on your local desktop and have a system you can add it by right clicking in the system pane
and choosing Add System.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed the SAP HANA Studio.



In case you have deployed the Hana Studio locally and wish to try to connect to the AWS instance, Go to
your Remote Desktop, open Eclipse and copy the system settings by right clicking on the hana system you
see under Systems.
1. Find the system details from the Hana studio on the Remote Desktop

2. Provide your Master password


3. In the context menu, click on properties

4. Under the Hosts Used to Connect tab you should be able to find the IP or the Hostname.


5. In your new Hana Studio installation, change the perspective from the default perspective to Hana
Development Perspective.


6. Once within the Hana Development perspective, add a new system.

7. Enter your host name or IP, keep the instance number 02 (without the quotes) and press next


8. Provide the credentials for user SYSTEM.The Password should be the same as the MASTER PW
you set during the instance provisioning process. Then click Finish.

9. Congratulations, you have now connected your local Hana Studio to your AWS Hana instance.

- If you are behind a firewall and proxy, please make sure you have the details available for the Hana
Studio to reach the update site.
- You must be able to reach the AWS instance from your browser at least, else we can be sure no
connectivity between the studio and the Hana backend can be achieved.


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