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1. Capitalist Market freedom

2. Communist No freedom
3. Mixed Private + Public; Control + incentive
India is a mixed economy; Agriculture being private; Industry and service private and public.
Resource availability - Economic targets. Economic policies
Overall policies Sectoral policy Monetary and fiscal balancing policy.
Industrial policies 1956, 1977, 1980, 1991.
1956 Controls.
1977 Focus on small scale and cottage, increasing role of public sector, sick units.
1980 Integrated private and public, Expansion, industrial sickness, industrial licensing policies,
decontrolled expansion, MRTP and FERA, Monopoly Restrictive Trade Practices; Foreign Exchange
Regulation Act.
1991 Liberalization decontrol policy; reducing the role of public sector, expanding and encouraging
role of private sector, motivating foreign technology, Encouraging FDI; Competition act vs MRTP act.

Encourage foreign capital.

Social security policy

Mid term review of the Eleventh plan, the tenth plan achieved 9% growth, actual 2.6% growth due to
global financial crisis 2009.
Objective of the policy
Private Public Partnership policy PPP
Competition with global companies
Small and micro enterprises face competition.

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