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Spring Arbor University School of Education

Lesson Plan Guide: Direct Instruction

Teachers Name: Ms. Rogers
Title: Parts of Speech Day 1&2
Subject: English
Grade Level: 9th
Time Allotted: 45-60 minutes
Materials Required: Parts of speech PowerPoint
Michigan Curriculum Framework:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.9-10.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
The Learner Will be able to identify the functions of words within a sentence: noun, verb,
adjective, adverb, preposition, pronoun, interjection , conjunction
Purpose: To understand parts of speech and being able to identify and use them properly within
Instructional Procedure:
1. Anticipatory Set/ State Purpose and Objective of Lesson:
a. (Script) Today we will begin a unit that focuses on parts of speech. While some of this
may be a review understanding the parts of speech and being able to identify and use
them properly when writing is essential, much needed. These lessons will help you
master the parts of speech in your language development.
2. Plan for Instruction: Instruction will be formatted as such:
Assign a particular color to each of the eight parts of speech
noun - red
verb - blue
adjective green
Day 1
adverb - orange
preposition - purple
pronoun - pink
interjection brown
Day 2
conjunction - yellow
3. Planed Instruction
a. Modeling
i. We will begin with viewing a PowerPoint Presentation reviewing the eight parts
of speech.
ii. I will show the PowerPoint to the students reviewing all 8 parts of speech. In
between each segment will be time for guided practice. The PowerPoint will also
provide examples of each part of speech within each segment.
iii. During this time, I will ask for understanding of the content, allowing time to
reinstruct material if needed.
b. Guided Practice:

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i. I will have the students copy three to five predetermined sentences on their paper.
Together we will identify the part of speech previously covered as well as
systematically building each part of speech on top of each other.
ii. After the first three sentences, I will allow the students the opportunity to display
their knowledge of the content on their own. Each student will transcribe the
sentence in their note book and identify the parts of speech. At this time I will be
walking around the classroom, observing and formally assessing the students.
iii. This segment of the lesson MUST be monitored to make sure they are not
practicing errors. The allowed time will be determined by the readiness of the
students (approximately 1 minute) when each student is finished volunteers or
names will be drawn for a student to display their knowledge on the board. The
students will be asked to underline each of the words in the sentence according to
its function.
c. Independent Practice:
i. When the students can perform without major errors, discomfort, or confusion,
they then will be ready to develop fluency by practicing without the availability
of the teacher; students then become accountable for the knowledge.
ii. Once this has been observed, students will work in groups of two or three to
create a poster to display the parts of speech covered during instruction. Under
each part of speech, example sentences will be included. Writing each part of
speech in different colors will make for a very color display of the eight parts of
speech and an anchor guide for the students in the class.
4. Differentiation Considerations:
a. Accommodations for access to general education curriculum
i. Through the use of Universal Design of Learning will include excess time for all
b. Modifications for students whose IEP
i. The use of tablets or other word processing devices will be at access for those
who need them.
c. Alternate plans for students who finish quickly
i. For those who have proven proficiency in between each transition of different
parts of speech, these students will still be expected to participate although they
will be given the opportunity to provide appropriate sentences for the class to
5. Assessment: Throughout the entire lesson, formative assessment will take place through the act
of observation to ensure the objectives are being learned. If they have not been, extra time will
be given to access the material for all. The students will be given opportunities during guided and
individual practice (as mentioned above). To assess the objective, students will work individually
as well as in groups to display both the knowledge learned and the areas in which still needs
instruction. In order for the objective to be measured proficiency, the students must be able to
identify and properly use each part of speech in a sentence.
6. Closure:
a. Within a ticket out the door, the students will write a sentence (or more if needed) using
and identifying the parts of speech covered during class.

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Title: Part of Speech - Charades Day 3

Time Allotted: 30-40 minutes

Lesson Objective
Students will be able to identify, describe and explain the different parts of speech.
Index cards with words that have nouns, verbs, adjective or adverbs on them.
(Script) Today we are going to review the 8 parts of speech by playing charades. We are also going to
practice using all 8 parts of speech when we write sentences. Before we start Charades and Writing let's
Direction Instruction:
As a whole class students will answer these questions, in preparation: What are the 8 parts of speech? Can
I have an example of an adjective? Can someone please use a proposition in a sentence? I need to know
the correct way to use an adverb? What's a conjunction?
Guided/Independent Practice:
Game Rules: The class will be split into two groups. I will then call up one member of the class for team
one (which is predetermined by a coin toss) to act out that given word. The first team to guess the word,
will they get the point. A student from the winning team will then need to come up and use the word in a
sentence in the appropriate part of speech as indicated. The winning team will them have the opportunity
to guess which part of speech the word is being used as. If the first team doesn't get it, the other team gets
a chance.
As a ticket out the door, the student will write two sentences describing their personality and must include
all 8 parts of speech in these two sentences.

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Title: Parts of Speech Song Day 4

Time Allotted: 45-60 minutes

Lesson Objective
Students will be able to define all the parts of speech.
(Script) Students we've been focused on the Parts of Speech all week. Today we are going to have
another fun activity to help us use and identify all the parts of speech. Today we are going to review what
we know about Parts of Speech by writing our own Parts of Speech Song.
Direct Instruction:
YouTube predetermined examples of different parts of speech songs to give the students ideas
Independent Practice:
Dividing into groups, students will choose a song to base their own Parts of Speech song off of.
Each group will perform their song and turn in the lyrics indicating their knowledge.

Title: Parts of Speech Jeopardy Day 5

Time Allotted: 45-60 minutes

Lesson Objective
Students will be able to define all the parts of speech.
(Script) Students we've been focused on the Parts of Speech all week. Today we are going to have
another fun activity to help us use and identify all the parts of speech. Today we are going to review what
we know about Parts of Speech while playing a little game called Jeopardy. This game will be used as a
review before our assessment.
Direct Instruction:
Students are divided into teams and jeopardy PowerPoint is played.
Parts of Speech assessment
After the game is finished, students will be given their assessment

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