The Biography of Andrew Clark

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The Biography of Andrew Clark

By: Nasir Blount & Mykel Scott

On the following Monday after detention Andrew and Allison saw each other in the hall
way and just smiled at each other in happiness. Allison tried to approach him in the halls and
she was nervous, but Andrew put his pride to the side and met her half way and dint care what
other people thought. They ended up being a pretty good couple during the year and having
fun, but Andrews father saw her as a distraction to his wrestling career and wanted him to stop
dating her. Andrew disagreed because he won his last five matches in a row and was on his way
to states. He trained with her in the locker room so that his father couldnt say she was
distracting him anymore so most of their dates consisted of lifting weights and running
together. Even though Allison hated always training with him she loved that she got to spend
time with him and could hang with him most of the day. She helped him become a better
athlete as their relationship grew and barely argued with any of his decisions. Once he won
sates they were able to have a little more free time and not train all the time, but then he was
invited to nationals so then it was back to the old days. Allison was upset so was Andrew, but
they both knew that it had to be done so that he could get a scholarship. Once nationals was
over they could spend much more time together. He trained really hard and everything, but
ended up losing nationals and was very upset, but was still offered a full ride to Virginia Tech
University. He was so excited and so was his father even though he tried to blame the lost on
Allison distracting him from not winning. Allison and Andrew ended up going to prom together
and getting prom king and prom queen.

After high school he moved onto Virginia Tech to pursue his career in wrestling and keep
his scholarship. Allison didnt get into the same school as him, but went to a community college
near Virginia Tech so they could be close and stay in a relationship. After about two years she
ended up getting good enough grades and transferring over to Virginia Tech and was accepted.
Now their relationship ended up soaring and becoming even better than ever. Andrew majored
in sports medicine and physical therapy. Allison major was to become an educator and teacher
elementary school. Andrew ended being on the All 1st Team for wrestling and also got AllAmerican. Andrew went on to his senior year as the number one wrestler in the nation and was
on the way to becoming a record holder. Until one match he turned his ankle the wrong way
and tore his Achilles. It set him way back from getting the record and was unable to get the
record for most wins. He tied the record, but then the season ended and was very unhappy that
he didnt get it. He went through a slight depression stage because of his injury because he
couldnt do what he loved anymore. He luckily had Allison by his side to encourage him not to
get to down on himself and also kept his mind off anything that would seem negative. Andrew
ended up graduating from Virginia Tech with a 3.4 GPA in a degree of Sports medicine. He was
ready to go off and start his life, but couldnt find any jobs that would offer him enough money
to keep him above the average. Allison was able to find a job immediately at an elementary
school in North Carolina. Andrew got stressed out and started to take his anger out on Allison
by just yelling and lashing out. He felt bad because he couldnt take care of her and what she
wanted. After about six months of searching he finally found a job working at Childrens
Hospital paying him around 75,000 dollars a year. He ended up loving his job and got back to his
happy loving self. Now he is around the age of thirty-two and loving his life. Even after all the

fighting and arguments Allison and Andrew ended staying together and finally getting married.
They were the only ones of the club to become high school sweet hearts.
Andrew and Allison decide that they wanted to have children and make a family. They
tried once and Allison was about one month pregnant and the fetus never developed a
heartbeat and the child was aborted. This crushed Allison so much because she feels like it was
her fault. Andrew was also crushed, but had to stay strong so that he could comfort Allison.
They waited a little bit to try again and see what would happen. Allison went back to work as
being a teacher, but it was hard on her seeing all the young children running around having fun,
but she doesnt have one. One day she had a little breakdown when one of the other teachers
asked about the baby and didnt know that there wasnt one. She was able to take a little break
off for about a month to take some time for herself to get back to a stable person. During that
month by accident Allison ended up getting pregnant again was so excited. She didnt get too
excited though because of what happened last time. Andrew prayed every night that they
would have a health son that he could train into an All-American star in some sport. The days,
weeks, and then months just started passing by faster than ever. All of a sudden she popped
out a healthy boy. He was the most precious thing that she ever happened to her and she was
so excited. She promised to protect the baby and take care of him as best as she could.
Five years down the road their son is starting kindergarten at her school and she is so
happy because she can see him running around and having fun with the other children. His
name was Jason and for short they called him J. All the kids loved him and was a very intelligent
kid that just loved life. In about a year he will be old enough to play little league sports and
Andrew is getting really excited to see his son play. So the time came around for sign up for

sports and he asked his Jason what sport he wanted to play and he said football. Andrew was
very happy that he chose a contact sport thats like wrestling. Andrew and Jason would go on
runs together and workout together. Well Jason tried to just copy dad like any young child
would. The season came around and started Jason was a running back and a corner back. He
was a very good running back scored a touchdown on first touch of his life. At corner back they
didnt really throw the ball that much so he just tried to make tackles, but wasnt good at
getting off blocks. Jason continued to play football as he grew up and Andrew was there every
step of the way at every game and helping him train. Andrew didnt want to be like his father
though and hassle his son about training and working out every day. Andrew decided to ask
Jason if he wanted to work out or what he wanted to do to get better at his sport.
Jason now fourteen entering high school as a freshman he was ready to start playing
football. He was coming in as a huge freshman prospect from middle school. He was six foot
and two inches weighing about 185. He still played running back, but on defense he now played
safety instead of corner back. Andrew was so proud of his son being a student athlete and
never let sports come before his education. While being a football star he still maintained a 3.6
GPA. Starting off the football season he started at safety, but not running back because the
running back was an all-state senior going to Georgia-Tech. Jasons freshmen year stats were
decent with twenty-five tackles and four interceptions. Andrew and Allison went to every game
that Jason had. They were his biggest supporters and loved him so much. Jason throughout high
school continued to do very well and have great stats. By his junior year he had three offers
from top twenty five schools. Jason didnt want to commit to anywhere till after his senior year.
Going into his senior year Jason was now an All-American safety and running back. First game

of the season of his senior year he breaks off a big run up the middle, but then is horse collared
from behind and suffers an injury. He was very scared because all his offers could go away.
Luckily it was only a sprained knee and would be back in three games. Andrew was there by his
side throughout all his physical therapy. Now coming back feeling better than ever Jason was
ready to get revenge and light up the stat sheet. Jason for the rest of the season averaged six
tackles a game and three deflections, and at running back he averaged over one hundred fifty
yards per game. Seeing these stats his favorite college offered him a full-ride scholarship. He
was accepted to the University of Southern California as a running back. His favorite player was
a running back and went to USC. Andrew was the proudest father but was upset he went so far
off to college. His son now seventeen and he is forty-nine they are just waiting to help him
move down for college and maybe start a business. Allison and Andrew want to start some type
of athletic training place for athletes. They drop him off at college and they return to Virginia
and get started on starting their business.
Andrew and Allison once they got back from California they immediately started
working on a blue print for their company. Andrew had saved over seventy-five thousand
dollars to start up the company. Allison has about fifty-five thousand saved up and they both
put it into the company and hopefully making a profit off of their savings account. In about one
year they have open their company they named it A & A Athletic Directions. This company
allowed for Andrew to do what he likes with physical therapy for injuries, but also train them
for strength and sport they play. Allison being a teacher helped with the mental aspect that
players need to stay composed during a game. Their training facility became well known
throughout Virginia and it only took about four years. They helped over a dozen athletes go

division one in their sport. They won many awards state wise, but never got a national awards
and working on it. While they have been succeeding their son Jason has also being doing well at
USC. He was in the Heisman race for his senior year. He has rushed for over two hundred yards
in the first five games of his senior season. He is prospected to be a first round draft pick to a
NFL team. Jason told his dad and mom that if he makes it to the league they could retire and he
would support them like they supported him. Andrew was so proud of his son but a little
disappointed that he only saw like ten games of his whole college career. Andrew promised
himself that if his son makes it to the NFL he would be at every game no exceptions.
Jason led his team all the way to a National Championship against the Florida Gators. In
this game Andrew and Allison were able to make it and see their sons last game. They were
very excited and Jason was ready to give them a great performance for them to celebrate. In
this game Florida defense in the first half held Jason to only thirty five yards rushing and twenty
yards receiving. Coming into the second half Jason and his team were down by fourteen but still
had faith that they could win. Andrew met with Jason right before he entered the locker room
and gave him a great inspirational talk. This talk motivated Jason to come out even harder in
the second half. Jason led his team during the second half scoring two touchdowns to tie up the
game and give his team a chance to win. He now has broken the national record for rushing
yards in c a career. On the last drive the score is Florida 24-21 Jason demanded the ball on the
drive because he was confident he could win them the game. It was only two and half minutes
left in the game. They had to run their two minute offense to win the championship. Jason first
play of the drive got a half back screen and took it for thirty five yards putting them in great
field position. They had Jason the ball twice more on the drive and he picks up about forty yards

off two carries. With about thirty yards left to score a touchdown they only have one timeout
left and one minute and thirty seconds left. They throw a slant over the middle putting them
even closer gaining over fifteen yards on the catch. Now they decide to run a half back draw to
catch the defense off guard and Jason takes it up the middle and scores a touchdown. This
should be the game winning touchdown only leaving Florida with one minute left to drive down
and score a touchdown. Jason touchdown ended up giving USC the victory and allowing for
them to win a National Championship. Jason won MVP of the game and also won the Heisman
award for this season. Jason ends up entering the draft and is drafted the number five overall
pick in the draft. He was drafted by the Detroit Lions. They offered him a twenty million dollar
contract for five seasons. He accepted and told his parents to quit what they are doing and its
his turn to take care of yall.
Andrew and Allison give their son about a couple of years to play in the league before
they sold their company and had no income. After about five years Jason contract was up but
was resigned for thirty five million dollars and now he could officially help his parents and his
own family. Andrew and Allison ended up selling A & A Athletic Directions for about five point
five million dollars. They were now sixty-two and had a couple years they had to wait before
social security kicked in but with their companys success and their son helping they had no
worries to worry about. Andrew and Allison ended up buying a house next to their son for
about one point two million dollars. They were all near each other and were happy and were
able to go to Jason game every Sunday and enjoy life. Andrew and Allison were now able to
relax and enjoy life and now retired their social security was going to be able to help them, but
Andrew continued to invest in stocks to give the family more money options.

Ascribed Status- Andrew ascribed status was really well seeing how his father gave him great
athletic figure and strong muscles for sports.
Achieved Status- Andrew achieved status from wrestling was state runner up for the state
championship from all the hard work he put in at the gym and outside of school.
Master Status- When Andrew graduated from high school his master status changed many
times, once was when he married Allison, getting a job, and then having a child. Having to
master each one and pick which one is higher in importance to him.
Role Expectations- Andrew in the story you will see stress out many ties throughout the story
because he feels he is not fulfilling his role expectations like finding a job to support his
girlfriend then not winning state championship or recovering from his injury.
Role Performance- Andrew ends up playing his role really well with finding a job and
supporting his family and then starting his own company like any man is raised to do by taking
care of his family.

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