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Presented By:

Vanessa Stevens
Kenna Sullivan
Vy Thai
Rachel Pawson

International changes due to the end

of the Cold War.
Ronald Reagan became President in
o Space shuttle era
o War on drugs Nancy Reagan said just

say no

Iron curtain
Berlin Wall fell

The end of the Vietnam war

o major growth for OT
Severe global recession/International Debt Crisis
o High unemployment rates
o Affected those living in poverty most
Canada/US Free Trade Agreement in 1989
o Which led to an economic bond between the two
o Work within OT is seen in Canada shortly after 1989

1980s Creation of the Internet

o Not public yet

1984 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Identified

1981-1989 Healthcare under the Reagan Administration
o Increased prisoners in jail

Stricter sentencing
Increased cocaine and other street drugs available
1981 repeal of the Mental Health Systems Act
o Increased Americans under 65 without health insurance
o 1982 Criteria change for SSDI and SSI

o Shift to privatization/corporatization of healthcare

o Medicare changes to payment by diagnosis (DRG)
o 1988 McKinney Act passed
o 1989 The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research created

OT was based on the medical model

o Hospital care
o Body as a machine

o Treating malfunctions and limitations

OTs new role: holistic health and wellness

o Schools, community health agencies, private practice
o Physical, psychological, social, and cultural interdependence
o Disability prevention, health maintenance, education quality of life

Pioneering thinkers
o Dr. Gary Kielhofners influential Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)
o Dr. Kenneth Ottenbachers call for research to increase knowledge base

Occupational Therapy Journal of Research 1980

Academy of Research 1983
OT certification 1986
1st PhD program-Occupational Science 1989

Slagle Lecturer 1980

President of AOTA 1981-1982 and 2003 -2007
Addressed the need to assess the many characters involved in health
care systems.

Allied health professions

Three goals for Occupational Therapy:


The profession needs to produce true professionals who are skilled in

inventing, inferring, and analyzing (Baum, 1980, p. 511)
The need to move away from the Acute Care Model and towards one that
involves the whole community.
Occupational therapists needs to develop human oriented programs
(Baum, 1980, p. 514) as well as have empathy for patients.

1984 Slagle lecture:

Transformation of a Profession
Professor at Colorado State
Worked with developmentally
dysfunctional and battered
Authored Children Adapt and
Mentoring Leaders
One of the many people who
helped draft the Education for
all Handicapped Children Act

1986 Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture

o Award of Merit from AOTA

Fellow of AOTA & Retired TWU

Tools of Practice: Heritage or
Media & Methods evolvement in OT
o 8 factors
o 14 assumptions

Selection & Discarding of Media &

Message: Understand use, why its

Researcher, clinician, author, and educator

BS in OT, Ph.D. in Comparative Anatomy and
1989 Slagle Lecture, Neuroscience and Occupational
Therapy: Vital Connections- neuroscience concepts
underpin many areas of OT
Has worked in academia, private practice, and as an
industrial consultant
Author of numerous textbooks, scientific articles, and
book chapters
Interests in Neurobiology, Neurorehab, Canine/Equine

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