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is a new project and not just a case of picking up what

was left off during TELL 1, so we are breaking things down into
stages and focus on what is important.
The main point is making sure the mentors are doing their jobs
properly with their new teachers. They need to be closely
monitored at this stage, and guided.
Mentors need to be doing the following:
1. getting to know the mentees as individuals
2. spending time with them helping with lesson preparation
providing them with fun-based learning activities and
supporting the teachers in implementing these
3. demonstration teaching new techniques with the mentee

co-teaching and inviting other teachers on the programme to

observe the co-teaching session and
provide feedback on
what went well and what could be better - this is to help the
teacher critically assess their own teaching practices and
become used to giving and taking constructive feedback

5. Assisting the teachers in their classrooms in the capacity of

classroom assistant
6. taking part in any after school activities that the school
may ask them to
7. providing post-lesson feedback .... sandwich the the feedback
1. the good; 2. the could-be-better; 3. the overall positive
impact of the lesson.
8. Mentors are at school during school hours - start to finish.
9. LET meeting on chosen day will provide opportunities for
other English teachers to exchange and share ideas and
-Kareem Chris Storer
Project Manager(Johor)
Mobile: +60 1 9623 6343
What is Tell2/mw/d:

Hj Hamzah Abd Hamid

Project Coordinator(Johor)
mobile: 019 623 0035

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