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Quote: The tabula of human nature was never rasa.

W.D. Hamilton
Comment: I like this quote because, to me, its basically saying that human nature was
never really lost or created suddenly. There were always seeds planted by early
humans that ended up created all of us. Whether there is or isnt a god, someone at
least came before us and planted some kind of seeds that were meant to sprout up,
generate and maintain a civilization.
Connection: People have many beliefs. God or Buddha, Pharaohs or Vampires.
Whatever they may be, at least we can all agree on one fact: there was someone here
before us that helped us get to where we are today, and we owe them everything. Some
people may not believe or want to believe what other people think happened, but at
least we can all say we have an imagination.
Could only one person be responsible for all of us?
Cant there be more than one person responsible? If not, why?
When will our seeds finally die out?
Why would someone go to all of that trouble of planting?

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