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CorelDRAW X4

CorelDRAW X4



Windows Toolbars

-3 Window

Tile Horizontally Cascade , Tile Vertically
Toolbox Toolbox .


Pick Tool Toolbox

Zoomtool Toolbox






Simple Wireframe
. Wireframe . Draft
Bitmap . Normal
. Enhanced
. Enhanced with
Overprints Enhanced

Handtool Zoomtool

-1 Rectangle Tool

: , ctrl .
:2 shift
3point Rectangle Tool -2 3

rectangle tool

-6 Rectangle Tool

x . Y





Convert To Curve : )

Ellipse Tool
Ellipse Tool
Ellipse tool 3d Point Ellipse Tool
3 .
: 1 ctrl
: 2 shift


: Polygon Tool 5 .


: 3 500 .


Star Tool .



Complex Star Tool

Star Tool .

star tool


Star Tool

Graph Paper Tool .

Complex Star Tool .

. 99 .

Graph Paper Tool

-14 Graph Paper Tool

edit fill Uniform Fill
. .


Ountline Pen Dialog Outline Pen

: Automatically resize cells while typing

separated cell borders

Horizontal cell spacing
Vertical cell spacing

Table Create New Table

. OK



Rows Evenly Columns Evenly
Delete .

Insert Row Above . Row Below
. Columns Left Columns Right
. Insert Rows

Insert Columns

: Table
spiral tool .
graph paper tool .

prefect shape flyout

: basic shape

: arrow shapes
:flowcharts shapes

: banner shapes
: callout shapes

freehand tool
Bezier tool
. freehand tool .
freehand tool .
3 :

End Arrowhead

Outline Style Selector

Start Arrowhead Selector
artistic media freehand tool
Bezier tool .
Auto-Close Curve .

5 :

--1 preset

-15 preset

artistic media tool width

freehand smoothing

: artistic media tool width freehand smoothing

curve flyout

-2 brush

-16 Brush

artistic media tool width freehand smoothing preset

-3 sprayer

-17 sprayer

freehand smoothing

randomly sequentially ,
by direction .
add to spraylist
Spraylist Dialog Create Playlist

-18 Create Playlist

Remove Add Clear


Use offset

Reset Value .
-4 calligraphic

Freehand Smoothing .
Artistic Media Tool Width .

Calligraphic Angle .
-5 pressure

) (

pen tool
. pen photoshop
artistic tool .

. pen tool .

3point curve tool .

interactive connector line
. 3point curve tool

-19 connector line

Dimension Tool


Dimension Style



Dimension Precision

Dimension Units
Show Units for Dimension
Prefix Suffix
Dynamic Dimensioning
Text Position Drop Down

smart drawing tool

. smart
fill tool smart fill tool toolbox
smart fill color smart drawing

-21 smart drawing

Shape Recognition Level

Smart Smoothing Level .

Select an Outline width or type in a new width

CorelDRAW .
. Pick Tool


. .



Alt )

( .



Shift .

Shift ,

Edit , Cut
Copy paste.
Ctrl+Z Edit Undo Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z . Edit Redo Redo
Undo .
-1 :
-2 Edit Delete
-3 Delete
Ctrl+D Duplicate
Edit .
Arrange Group Ctrl+G
Arrange Ungroup Ctrl+u
Combine Arrange
Ctrl+L . Combine Arrange
Break Apart Ctrl+K .

Arrange Order

-2 Outline

Outline Flyout Outline Outline Pen

-3 Outline Pen

Color . Width
. Style
. Edit Style
. Miter limit
. Corner
Line Caps .
Options . Calligraphy
Stretch Angle .
Behind Fill
Default .
Scale with image

shape tool

shape tool toolbox



convert to curve arrange convert to curve .
Ctrl + Q .

shape tool
shape tool .
. .
shape tool .
. ) (
shape tool .

. .

Shape Tool .



Slecetion Mode .

Add Node Delete Node

Join To Nodes


Cnovert Curve To Line

Convert Line To Curve .
Make Node A Cusp
Make Node Smooth
Make Node Symmetrical .
Reverse Curve Direction for selected subpaths
Extend Curve To Close .
Extract subpath .
Auto-Close Curve
Stretch and Scale Nodes

Rotate and Skew Nodes .
Align Nodes .

Reflect Nodes Horizontally

Reflect Nodes Vertically .
: Elasstic Mode

Select All Nodes
: .
Smudge Brush
smudge brush

smudge brush

Roughen Brush

Roughen Brush

Roughen Brush

-5 Roughen Brush

Enter a value for

Nib Size .
frequency of spikes . Add
dryout to the effect
. Enter a fixed value tilt setting
. Spike Direction .
Enter a fixed value for bearing

Free Transform Tool


-6 Free Transform Tool

Free Rotation Tool

Free Angle Reflection Tool
Free Scale Tool
Free Skew Tool
Apply to Duplicate
Relative to Object

Crop Tool

-7 Crop Tool

Crop Tool .
Angle of Rotation Clear
Crop Marqee ). ESC
Knife Tool

. Leave As One object
Auto-Close On Cut .

-8 Knife Tool

Eraser Tool

-9 Eraser Tool

Eraser Thickness . Eraser

Auto-reduce on Erase

. .
Virtual Segment Delete
Interactive Blend Tool
. 2

Effects Blend .
Blend Steps ) . Blend Effect
Bevel (

-10 Blend Blend Steps

. Interactive Blend Tool .

2 .
. Loop
Loop 360 .

. 2 .
Path New Path
Apply .

Blend along full path Apply

. Rotate all objects .
Fixed Spacing Fixed Spacing
Blend Acceleration

Line Accelerations . Apply
. Apply to sizing

-11 - Blend Blend Acceleration

Blend Color
Direct Path . Clockwise Path

-12 - Blend Blend Color

Miscellaneous Blend
Map Nodes

split . map nodes
Fuze Start . Fuze End Split . Ctrl
Interactive Blend .

-13 Interactive Blend

Counter Tool
. .


-14 Counter

Counter Steps To cnter .
Inside .

Outside .
Apply . Inside To Center
To Center
. Offset
Stpes .
Counter Color .
Cloclwise Path
Path .
Counterclockwise Path .
Outline Fill color .
Apply .
Counter Acceleration
Object Acceleration Color
Link Accelerations .
Interactive Counter Tool Interactive Tool Flyout


-15 Interactive Counter



Fillet/Scallop/Chamfer Fillet . Scallop
Chamfer .

-16 chamfer , Scallop , Fillet

Interactive Distortion Tool

Interactive Tool Flyout .

Interactive Distortion Tool . Push and Pull Distortion
Preset .
Add New Distortion . Push And
Pull Distortion Amplitude . Center Distortion
. Convert TO Curve
. Copy Distortion properties

. Clear Distortion
. Undo

-17 Interactive Distortion

Zipper Distortion . Zipper Dsitortion

Amplitude Zipper Distortion Frequency
. Random Distortion
Smooth Distortion .
Local Distortion
Twister Distortion
. Clockwise Rotation
Counterclockwise Rotation
. Complete Rotation
. Additional Degrees
Drop Shadow
Interactive Tool Flyout .

Preset . Drop Shadow

Angle . Drop Shadow Opacity
Drop Shadow Feathering
. Drop Shadpw Feathering Direction
Feathering Edge
. Drop Shadow Fade
. Drop Shadow Stretch
. Transparency Operation
Drop Shadow Color
. Copy Drop Shadow Properties

Copy Drop Shadow

Properties .

Interactive Drop Shadow Tool Interactive Tool Flyout


-18 Interactive Drop


Effect . .
Vertical , Putty , Orginal , Horizontal .

-19 Vertical , Putty , Orginal , HorizontalEnvelope

Vertical , Putty , Orginal , Horizontal : CIRCLE

. Add
Preset Apply
. Create Form
. Create Form

-20 Envelope

Interactive Envelope Tool Intractive Too Flyout

-21 Envelope


Effects .
Extrude Camera

-22 Extrude Extrude Camera

Small Back
. Small Front
. Big Back
Extrude Type Big Front Small Front
Big . Back Parallel
Front Paralle

Back Parallel

VP Locked To Object

VP Locked To Page Copy VP From
. Shared Vashing Point

, . H V
. Measured From Page Origin
Object Center

Extrude Rotation

-23 Extrude Extrude Rotation

. Edit
Reset .
Edit 3
Y , X Z
Extrude Light

-24 Extrude Extrude Light

Edit .

. Intensity .
Use Full color range
Extrude Color

-25 Extrude Extrude Color

Use object Fill

. Drape fills
Solid fill
Shade .

Use Extrude Fill for bevel

Extrude Bevel .

. .
Extrude Bevel

-26 Extrude Extrude Bevel

Use Level .
Show Bevel Only . Bevel
Bevel angle
Interactive Extrude Tool Interactive Tool Flyout

-27 Extrude

Interactive Transparency Tool

Interactive Tool Flyout . .

-28 Transparency Uniform Square

Transparency Type . Transparency

. Transparency Midpoint
. Transparency Target
. Freeze
. Transparency Type

Square .
Full Color Pattern , Two Color Pattern Bitmap Pattern

-29 Transparency Two color

First transparency Picker .

Ending Transparency

. Mirror Transparency Tiles
. Create Pattern

-30 Create Pattern

. Bitmap Pattern Texture Library


-31 Lens

Effects Lens . Lens

Brighten .
Brighten Lens .
Rate . Frozen
. ViewPoint
Reamove Face
. Color Add
Color Limit . Color
Add Color Limit Color Add

Color limit


Custom Color
. Direct Palette

Direct Access Forward Rainbow
. Reverse Rainbow

Fish Eye

Heat Map


Tinted Grayscale



RGB ) (Red-Green-Blue
CMYK ) ( Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black .



Eyedropper Tool Eyedropper Flyout .

. Eyedropper Tool

Shift .

-1 Eyedropper

Sample Color

Sample Size Eyedropper

. Select from Desktop
Object Color
Properties .
Transformations ,
. Effects
Paintbucket tool . .
Eyedropper Shift Eyedropper
Paintbucket .

Smart Fill Tool
Smart Too flyout .

-2 Paintbucket

Fill Color Use drfault

. No Fill
. Outline Options

. Outline Width
Window Dockers Color

-3 Color

Outline .
Window Dockers
Color Palette Browser

-4 Color Palette Browser

Creates a new empty color palette

. Creates a new palette from selected objects
Creates a new palette from the
Open the palette
document .
Editor . Opens a palette
Color Styles . Window
Dockers .

-5 Color Styles

New Color Style . New Child

Color .

-6 Create a New Child Color

Color name
Tint .
. Create
. ,

. Edit Color Style
Pallete . Models .

-7 - New Color Style Models

Palette .
Add To Palette .
. Swap Colors . Gamut

. Color Viewers
. Name

-8 - New Color Style Mixers

Hue .
Primary , Complement ,
Triangle1 .
Triangle2 .
. Variation None 5 .
Warmer .
Darker . Lighter .
Less Saturation
. Name


Open . .cpl .
Name .
CorelDRAW Help .

-9 - New Color Style Palettes

Edit Color Style


-10 Edit Color Style

Saturation Brightness
. Color Name .
Auto-Create Color Style .

Use fill colors Use outline colors . Automatically link similar
colors together
. Convert child palette colors to CMYK
CMYK . Parent creation
index Manny parents
Few parents
. Preview
Window Color Palettes
. Open Palette .
Color Palette Browser
Palette Editor .

-11 Palette Editor

Color . Add color
. Delete Color Sort Colors
. New Palette Open Palette ,
Save Save As
Fill Flyout

Uniform Fill Dialog . Fountain Fill

-12 Fountain Fill

Type .
. Angle . Step
. Edge Pad
Two color To From
. Midpoint
. ,
. Custom
Position .
Others Select Color
. Presets

Pattern Fill Dialog

-12 Pattern Fill

2-color .
Front Back .
Import . Delete
Create . Origin
. Size Width
height Transform
Rotate Skew .
Row or column offset
Transform fill with object . Mirror Fill
Full Color
Bitmap .
Texture Fill

-12 Texture Fill

Texture library Dialog .

Texture list

Preview .
option Texture option .

Bitmap Resolution Maximum tile

width .
Postscript Fill Dialog

-13 Postscript Fill Texture

Posyscript Preview
Postscript Parameters
. .
No Fill
. Color Docker Window Color
Interacive Fill Flyout
Interactive Fill Tool

Fill flyout

Mesh Fill

. Shape Tool
Curve .

-14 Mesh Fill

Toolbox Text tool

F8 .

) Convert To Paragraph Text (Artistic Text
Arrange Convert To Curve
Break Apart Ctrl+K
. Group
Arrange .

Arrange Combine . Text

-1 Text

. Angle of Rotation . Mirror


Horizontal Alignment .
Show/Hide Drop Cap )
Character Formatting .

-2 Character Formatting

Character Effects
Character Shift
. Script
Edit Text Ctrl+Shift+T
Edit Text
. Options .
Options Select All . .
Change Case .

Sentence Case . Lowercase

. UPERCASE . Tile Case
Find Text . Find Text
. Replace Text Replace Text
Find Text
. Spell Check .
Grammatik Thesaurus
. Show Font Show Toolbar
Text Options
Options .
Paragraph Text
Text Paragraph Text .

-3 Paragraph Formatting

. Spacing , ,
. Indent
Tabs Text .

-4 Tab settings

Tabs Alignment
. Leeder
. Preview
Leader Options .

Character Spacing

Columns .


-5 Column Settings

Number of columns .
. Width .
Gutter . Equal column width

. Maintan current frame width
Automatically adjust frame .
Text Bullets

-6 Bullets

Use bullets . Font

. Symbol .
Symbol . Size
. Baseline shift
. Use hashing indent stye for bulleted lists
Text frame to bullet
Bullet to text
Drop Cap
Text Drop Cap .

-7 Drop Cap

Use drop cap . Number

of line dropped .
Space after drop cap
. Use hashing indents style for drop cap
Edit Text .
Insert Character


Insert Symbol Character Insert Character

-8 Insert Character

Code Page

. Keystroke Character Size
. Insert
. Insert Formatting Character
Fit Text To Path
. .
Fit Text To Path
Align To Baseline Straighten Text
Fit Tet To Path
. Straighten Text
. Align To Baseline


-9 Straighten Text Align To


Text Paragraph Text Frame Show Text

Frame . Fit Text To Frame
Unlink .

Hyphenation . Text .
Use Hyphenation
. Hyphenation Settings

-10 Hyphenation Settings

Automatically hyphenate Paragraph Text .

Break capitalized words .
Break words using ALL CAPS

Minimum word length
. Minimum characters before Minimum
characters after .
Distance from night margin
Writing Tools
QuickCorrect Options .

-11 Options Quickcorrect

Capitilize first letter of sentences .

book )
( GOod Correct two initial consecutive capitals
) ( Good .
Capitalize name of days
languages Text Language
Grammatick , Spell Check Thesaurus


-12 Text Encoding

Make The Text Compatible

Convert . Text Statistics
, ,

-13 Stastistics

Show Non-Printing Characters


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