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Print Release

Press Information Bureau

Government of India
Ministry of Tourism
07-November-2014 14:04 IST

Performance of Tourism Sector during October 2014

Ministry of Tourism compiles monthly estimates of Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) on the
basis of data received from major ports and Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) from tourism on
the basis of data available from Reserve Bank of India. The following are the important highlights
regarding FTAs and FEEs from tourism during the month of October 2014.
Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs):
FTAs during the Month of October 2014 was 6.56 lakh as compared to FTAs of 5.98 lakh
during the month of October 2013 and 5.56 lakh in October 2012.
There has been a growth of 9.6% in October 2014 over October 2013 as compared to a
growth of 7.5% registered in October 2013 over October 2012.
FTAs during the period January-October 2014 were 58.35 lakh with a growth of 7.8%, as
compared to the FTAs of 54.12 lakh with a growth of 5.6% during January-October 2013
over the corresponding period of 2012.
The percentage share of Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in India during October 2014
among the top 15 source countries was highest from Bangladesh (14.15%), followed by
USA (12.55%), UK (10.95%), Sri Lanka (3.73%), Russian Federation (3.64%),
Canada (3.64%), Germany (3.57%), France (3.45%), Japan (3.06%), Australia (3.05%),
Malaysia (2.66%), China (2.23%), Pakistan (1.86%), Thailand (1.81%) and Nepal (1.79%).
Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) from Tourism in Indian rupee terms and US$ terms
FEEs during the month of October 2014 were `9,847 crore as compared to `8,645 crore in
October 2013 and `8,154 crore in October 2012.
The growth rate in FEEs in rupee terms in October 2014 over October 2013 was 13.9% as
compared to 6.0% in October 2013 over October 2012.

FEE from tourism in rupee terms during January- October 2014 were `96,007 crore with a
growth of 12.9%, as compared to the FEE of `85,014 crore with a growth of 14.6% during
January-October 2013 over the corresponding period of 2012.
FEEs in US$ terms during the month of October 2014 were US$ 1.604 billion as compared
to FEEs of US$ 1.404 billion during the month of October 2013 and US$ 1.538 billion in
October 2012.



Print Release

The growth rate in FEEs in US$ terms in October 2014 over October 2013 was growth of
14.2% as compared to the negative growth of 8.7% in October 2013 over October 2012.
FEE from tourism in terms of US$ during January- October 2014 were US$ 15.790 billion
with a growth of 6.6%, as compared to US$ 14.806 billion with a growth of 5.5% during
January- October 2013 over the corresponding period of 2012.



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