Communication Skills: Name: Kristian Rey A. Fabiala

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Communication Skills

Name: Kristian Rey A. Fabiala

1. Define Paragraph
= A paragraph is the basic unit of composition. It consists of a group of
related sentences that develop one main idea. It has three main parts; an
introduction, a body of the paragraph and a conclusion. In other words, it
has a topic sentence, a few supporting sentences, and a concluding

2. What are the components of paragraph to achieve unity?

I. Unity
Just as a paper has its controlling idea the thesis statement a
paragraph has its controlling idea the topic sentence. And just as an
engine drives a train, the topic sentence drives the paragraph. All the
sentences, or cars, of a paragraph should be related to the controlling idea
contained in the topic sentence. If this is the case, then the paragraph
possesses unity.

II. Order
Another word for order is organization. If the paragraph possesses a
plan, if the topic idea is developed logically, sequentially, spatially, in
order of importance, or in another pattern, then the paragraph possesses

III. Coherency
Coherency is the glue of writing. Sentences within a paragraph need to be
connected (or glued) to each other, as cars on a train are connected to
each other. One of the important ways to link your sentences together is
through the use of transitions; these transitions are signposts for the
reader; they illustrate logical or other relationships. Other ways to achieve
coherency include repetition of key words, phrases, or images; consistent
use of point of view and of tense; and incorporation of parallel structure into
your prose.
IV. Completeness
If a paragraph offers sufficient supporting details to support its topic
sentence, then it exhibits completeness. Yet what is sufficient? If the topic
sentence asserts that Coach Smith has changed my life, and then the
paragraph illustrates through the use of specific details how Coach Smith
has changed the student's life, then the paragraph is complete. Conversely,
if the topic sentence states that Coach Smith has changed my life, but the
paragraph doesn't offer any illustrations of how Coach Smith has done this,
then the paragraph is not complete.
3. Types of Discourse

= The main focus of this type of discourse is to make the audience aware
about the topic of the discussion. Definitions and comparative analysis of
different ideas and beliefs are examples of discourse exposition.

=It involves describing something in relation to the senses. Descriptive
discourse enables the audience to develop a mental picture of what is being
discussed. Descriptive parts of novel or essays are descriptive discourse

=Narration is a type of discourse that relies on stories, folklore or a drama
as a medium of communication.
Stage play, story, folklore etc. are narrative discourse examples


=Besides providing information, another purpose of discourse is to persuade. In

critical thinking one tries to persuade another to draw a certain conclusion by a
form of reasoning called an argument. Arguments contain statements that are
either premises (evidence we give for believing a conclusion), or
the conclusion (what we infer to be true based on the premises). Review the
important considerations in constructing a good argument.

=The purpose of argumentative discourse is to get the listener or reader to agree
with what is being said through evidence and reason. Argument tries to elicit
agreement through the use of logic, figures, facts, illustrative examples and expert
testimony; emotional appeals may also be used. An argument may be persuasive if
its purpose is not only to get the reader or listener to agree but also to get them to
act on that belie

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