Natural Resources

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Ocean Resources

By Isabel Cueli, Cora Gibson and

Juanita Rojas



Threats to Resources
People are using too much seaweed for sushi!
People are killing too many clamps to get pearls and
soon there will not be any clams left.
Oil takes 1,000,000 years to form and if we do not use it
wisely there will not be oil for a long, long, long, time.
Seaweed is used a lot and with the amount that the
world uses including sea animals, there will be no more
seaweed left.


Found on land and under the ocean floor

Made of dead plants or animals
Takes over thousand years to from
Petroleum is used for nearly half of the world
Fifty wells drilled from single platforms, rigs to collect
millions of barrels

How much oil is consumed a day

Natural Gas
In 1983 an unusual life was discovered in the pacific
ocean. A microbe!
The microbe was called Methanococcus Jannaschii
The microbe produces Methane
Methane is a natural gas
Methane is used for heat,and also for vehicle engines
This is a picture of natural gas
used for heat to cook


Seaweed is used all around the world

Is used for sushi,drinks etc.
Seaweeds grow well at Bardsey,Island in North Wales
Is made of green chlorophyll for photosynthesis

Fish Farms
Fish farms bring a male and a female fish, to
make them have babies
After they have eggs they kill the male
When the eggs hatch they kill the female
Then the people wait until the process


All around the world people harvest salt

230 million of salt harvested each year
Salt made by underground evaporation
Takes oceans millions years to form salt

Nacre is a substance that is formed
around a shell
Most pearls are growing in oceans farms
To make a pearl grow a piece of another
kind of shell needs to be put in

Algae/ Oxygen
Oceans have Algae that gives us oxygen
The oceans are full of those little things
Algae are organisms that make food from
sunrays by photosynthesis
Algae takes in Carbon Dioxide and releases

Fun Facts
Most offshore oil rigs were and are used for about 25
Hundreds of workers live on and oil rig for weeks at a
In ancient china a spoonful of salt can be traded for an
ounce of gold

Methane: A natural Gas
Microbe: A tiny thing that maybe is alive like a virus
Organisms: Anything with life like Algae,Coral and Fish
Oxygen: A gas that supports life
Petroleum: A fancy word for oil
Photosynthesis: An important biological process

Roydhouse,Sandy Harcourt Achieve inc. 2005, Oceans
of the world.
DK GUIDE, 2002, Oceans.
What can we do about the ocean pollution?
Chris Bourseau, Scholastic inc. , 2010, Oil Spill Disaster,
From Salt to silk precious goods

Thank You

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