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French Autopathography

Queens University Belfast, 21-22 November 2014

Conference Schedule
All sessions, including registration, will take place in the Auditorium, McClay Library
Friday 21st November
8.45 9.15


9.15 10.30

Welcome from Head of the School of Modern Languages.

Keynote 1
Hannah Thompson (Royal Holloway, University of London): De
simple malade jtais devenu un handicap: (re)negotiating
medical and social models of disability in French (from ThrseAdle Husson to Jacques Smelin)

10.30 10.50


10.50 12.20

Panel 1: Latroce beaut des corps malades. Esthtisations,

rotisations et mises en scne de la souffrance dans lcriture
autopathographique contemporaine (19e20e sicles)
Chair: Jutta Fortin (Universit de Vienne)
Adrien Guignard (Swiss National Science Foundation): Eros et
bacille (de Koch): au rgime sanatorial et testimonial
Aude Fauvel (University of Lausanne): I cut my breast, therefore I
am. Representations of Self-Mutilated Bodies in NineteenthCentury First-Person Narratives of Madness
Nomie Christen (University of Saint Gall, Switzerland): Leffroi et
la grce: le corps oxymoron d'Herv Guibert

12.20 1.30

Lunch, Old Staff Common Room

1.30 3.00

Panel 2: Sropositivit
Chair: Anna Elsner (Kings College London)
Enda McCaffrey (Nottingham Trent University): The Intelligence of
Illness: an Epistemology of HIV/AIDS
Michael Deml (Pennsylvania State University): Le Sropositif est
maintenant une espce: Discursivit, altrit, sropositivit
Jean-Pierre Boul (Nottingham Trent University): Herv Guibert:
autoportraits photographiques et sropositivit

3.00 3.20


3.20 4.50

Panel 3: Locked-in Syndrome

Chair: Sam Haigh (University of Warwick)
Claire Boyle (University of Edinburgh): Sais-tu que B[auby] est
transform en lgume?: Corporeality, Humanity and the FirstPerson Perspective in Julian Schnabels Film Le Scaphandre et le
Marie-Christine Clemente (University of Cambridge):
Scaphandre et le papillon: A Voice Beyond the Body


ine Larkin (University of Aberdeen): Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and

Philippe Vigand: A Comparative Analysis of their Accounts of
Paralysis and Locked-in Syndrome

4.50 5.10


5.10 6.40

Panel 4: Pathology and the Poet

Chair: Marie-Christine Clemente (University of Cambridge)
Brenton Hobart (The American University of Paris): The Malady of
Clment Marot: From the End of Adolescence to the Start of the
Solne Thomas (Universit Lyon III Jean Moulin): Dans la fade
odeur de l'iodoforme et du phnol : Verlaine l'hpital
Marthe Compain-Benguigui (Universit Toulouse 2 Le Mirail): La
lassitude glace du corps de Mireille Havet


Drinks Reception, The Naughton Gallery at Queens


Conference Dinner, Beatrice Kennedys

Saturday 22nd November

10.15 11.45

Panel 5: The Poetics of Suffering

Chair: ine Larkin (University of Aberdeen)
Steven Wilson (Queens University Belfast): Dictante dolore:
Language and Pain in Alphonse Daudets La Doulou
Anna Elsner (Kings College London): Je-sans-moi: Dying and the
absence of pain in Malrauxs Lazare
Carolyn Rickett (Avondale College of Higher Education, Australia):
Live and invent: The bibliotherapeutic function of Samuel
Becketts Malone Dies in Brenda Walkers breast cancer narrative

11.45 12.00


12.00 1.00

Keynote 2
Tamar Tembeck (McGill University): Expanding the Boundaries of
the Genre: Contemporary Qubcois Autopathographies in the
Visual and Performing Arts

1.00 1.30


1.30 3.00

Panel 6: The Writing Process and the Limits of

Chair: Jean-Pierre Boul (Nottingham Trent University)
Jutta Fortin (Universit de Vienne): La lumire de lombre :
Herv Guibert journaliste
Ccile Decousu (MIC University of Limerick): Lcriture en
protocole: Les histoires damours de Violette Leduc et Herv
Loren Wolfe (Barnard College, NYC): Jean-Luc Nancy: Limmunit,
lex-criture and a change of heart

3.00 3.15


3.15 4.45

Panel 7: The Social Construction of Illness and Disability:

Voice and (inter)subjectivity
Chair: Steven Wilson (Queens University Belfast)
Dawn Sherratt-Bado (University of Edinburgh): Postcolonial
Pathologies: Labour Migration and Disordered Subjectivities in
Gisle Pineaus Devils Dance
Vivienne Orchard (University of Southampton) De-pathologise,
anti-pathologise, auto-pathologise: The Ethics of Visual LifeWriting and Autism
Sam Haigh (University of Warwick):
Autopathography and handicap psychique

Closing remarks



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