Dear Student From Lincoln School Celine Schick

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Dear Student from Lincoln School,

My name is Celine Schick, what is your name? Im eleven

years old, (almost 12). My birthday is in December 29 2002,
when is yours? What is your favorite sport? My favorite sport
ever is soccer. What is one of your favorite hobbies? My
favorite hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, and sometimes
crafting. What is the climate in Costa Rica? In Illinois, summers
are hot and mild, in fall (which is our season right now) is cold
and cloudy sometimes, in the winter its freezing and snows
sometimes, and in spring the temperature is perfect and wet.
What do you do in your culture? Like holidays, clothing, food,
etc. Also, whats your favorite food? Mine is double chocolate
muffins, or any others. Anyway, hope you have a nice day!
Cant wait to hear back from you!
-Your Pen Pal
Celine Schick
P.S- Are you a boy or girl? Im a girl.

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