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Dear student of Lincoln school,

Hi! My name is Maddie. What is your name? Im 12 years old and

in 6th grade. How old are you? My favorite subject is math. I play
basketball, soccer, and volleyball. Do you play any sports? My favorite
foods are cheesecake, sushi, and tacos. What are yours? I hate it when I
cant fall asleep. What do you hate?
Where do you live? I live in Peoria, Illinois. Peoria has a humid
continental climate with cold, snowy winters, and hot, humid summers.
What climate do you live in?
In my family there is my mom, dad, brother, sister, and I. I am the
middle child. My best friends all go to the same school as me. Their
names are Priscilla, Celine, and Rachelle. I go to Holy Family Parish
School. I am Catholic. Do you belong to a religion?
Do you celebrate any special holidays?
What school do you go to?
Do you have any special traditions with your family?

Sincerely your Pen Pal,

Maddie Maubach
P.S. Hope to hear from you soon!!! !!!

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