Armando 1

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Holy family

Date November,10,14

Dear student,
My name is Armando Garcia Quiroz. I am 11 years old.
My birthday is on December, 26 I was born on December,
26 2002 in Chicago IL. When I was 3 I move to Peoria IL.
What kind of sports do you like? I like basketball and
soccer. What kind of food do you like? I like pizza, tacos
and Mexican food. What is the climate at Costa Rica? The
climate at Peoria is always changing. It is cold in Peoria.
How many family members do you have? I have 3 family
members my mom, dad and a brother. Do you have any
pets? I have a dog a hamster and a fish. What langue do
you speak? I speak English and Spanish. Do you have a
favorite song? I do not.

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