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Holy Family Parish School

November 10, 2014

Dear student of Lincoln School,
Hi, my name is Kinsley, whats yours? Are you a girl or a boy? If you couldnt tell by my name Im
a girl. I love to read books and play the flute. What is your favorite book? I dont think I have one
because I have read so many good ones. Do you play any instruments or sports? I play volleyball and Im
on a swim team. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have 11 because my parents are divorced and
they are both remarried. My dad and stepmom adopted 3 little kids so that added to the total. How old
are you? Im 12 and Im in 7th grade, what grade are you in? What is your favorite food? Mine is sushi, I
know that sounds weird but I love it. I have been to Costa Rica for vacation and I thought it was really
nice. Do you think its nice? Here in Illinois its really cold during the winter. I know it can get really hot
during the summer in Costa Rica, what is it like is during the winter there? Are you originally from Costa
Rica or are you from a different country? I was born in the US and have lived here my whole life. I hope
to hear from you soon.

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